Re: Win2k Locked Workstation

2001-09-02 Thread Dave Warren
this so it is useless to me. I need the browser ==== Dave Warren, administrator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To unsubscribe, send

Re: Undocumented port in use by VNCviewer in Listen Mode?

2001-09-02 Thread Dave Warren
ection. The only time I see any data > activity on that port is when a connection is established or disconnected. > > Hope that settles your fears. ==== Dave Warren, devi

Re: Bad Review of VNC at CNET

2001-09-17 Thread Dave Warren
ugh it's assigned a dynamic IP. Hm. Magic. Or just using DNS properly. One of the two, anyway. ==== Dave Warren, devilspl

Re: Bad Review of VNC at CNET

2001-09-17 Thread Dave Warren
> 204-7056561.rev.3227892-1205-7056561 Dave

Re: Bad Review of VNC at CNET

2001-09-20 Thread Dave Warren
application. My mail server doesn't like operating without DNS either. Dave Warren, administrator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: Bug/problem with VNC under Win2000

2001-09-30 Thread Dave Warren
fault user's wallpaper instead of the > current user's. This is a known issue, the maintainer's page has a blurb > that says he knows. =

Re: VNC privates issue

2001-11-11 Thread Dave Warren
> Our company is evulating WinVNC ver 3.3.2 R6, We found that it is great. But > I am worrying about the privates issue when we are viewing the client PC. Is > it anywhere we can setup an option to inform client PC we are trying to > shadow their PC, so they have an option to accept or reject. Ye

Re: PalmVNC questions

2001-12-01 Thread Dave Warren
I don't know if Handspring hacked the OS or not, but with Palm OS 3.5.x and 4.x, when the Palm is turned off it will disconnect any network connections you have in place. - Original Message - From: "Ellen Dash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001

Re: Problem when running WinVNC via Loopback mechanism

2001-12-06 Thread Dave Warren
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? - Original Message - From: "Peter Wheelan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 7:41 PM Subject: Problem when running WinVNC via Loopback mechanism > I am running Windows 2000 Professional and have > i

Re: Connection Speed

2001-12-06 Thread Dave Warren
I've used it on a high latency 9600bps link. It sucks, but it's useable. - Original Message - From: "Michael Workman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "VNC Mailer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 8:09 AM Subject: Connection Speed > What in the min Connection Speed VNC need

Re: Audio Thin Client??

2001-12-08 Thread Dave Warren
Just for playing music, or all system sounds? If you're just playing music, WinAmp has some plugins that let you control it over the network. Beyond that, I don't know of any functional solutions. - Original Message - From: "Tony Simopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> S

Re: VNC is Powerful, could it become like Citrix

2001-12-16 Thread Dave Warren
> On Sat, 2001-12-15 at 19:08, Christopher Koeber wrote: > > Your right. Unix is an excellent operating system. The one thing that holds > > Unix and even Linux back though is that it still isn't very easy to use. You > > have know a lot about computers and even the OS itself to really get the > >

Re: VNC is Powerful, could it become like Citrix

2001-12-16 Thread Dave Warren
Windows 95/98/ME boot into real mode, load a slightly modified version of DOS, then load the Win32 environment on top. Win9x is still (potentially) reliant on realmode 16bit drivers. Windows NT (2000 and XP are included) was a ground up rewrite (Started as a combined effort, IBM and Microsoft to

Re: VNC is Powerful, could it become like Citrix

2001-12-17 Thread Dave Warren
> Funnily enough, MS wrote Terminal Server a few years later (NT4 multiuser) > but AFAIK their protocol (RDP?) is too fat to squeeze down at 56k line. I think > that XP workstation also uses RDP so I wonder if they've improved it. >From personal experience, I'd rather run NT4/W2K's implementation

Re: VNC is Powerful, could it become like Citrix

2001-12-17 Thread Dave Warren
> How about TightVNC? AT&T VNC is realy meant for 2Mbit or better > networks. To be honest, never tried it. I so rarely feel the need to go online and connect remotely from my cellular modem that it isn't worth playing with TightVNC, I just termserv in. I normally connect from a 10Mb internet c

Re: VNCviewer for Unix lacks a CTRL-ALT-DEL key send option

2001-12-21 Thread Dave Warren
> >> I'd have to send CTRL+ALT+DEL Key to the Server but this option is only > >> available in vncviewer for Win. > > Just press CTRL+ALT+DEL, Unix/Linux don't care about this key combo > and so don't need a special "send CTRL+ALT+DEL" function. C-A-DEL reboots my linux box here. Granted, I do

Re: Resource Hacker

2001-12-21 Thread Dave Warren
Then you do understand that what you are doing has nothing to do with source code, right? - Original Message - From: "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 3:27 PM Subject: RE: Resource Hacker > I know what the source code is. > > Read

Re: Resource Hacker

2001-12-21 Thread Dave Warren
But as long as you are using resource hacker, you haven't actually touched the source code... GPL is a separate issue which I won't get into, I'm honestly not that familiar with the GPL. - Original Message - From: "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, D

Re: How to get list of vnc servers

2001-12-24 Thread Dave Warren
> is it possible to see on the client all the vnc servers that are running in the > network. With RP we get a list of computers and can simply chose one of them. > With vnc we must know the iP adress, but the clients get it from DHCP. IS there > a way to get this list with vnc ? Is there any plan

Re: Windows layer storage/transmission.

2002-01-02 Thread Dave Warren
> Hey, that's a good idea. Maybe we could call it Linux, and give it away > for free, but then, people who refuse to stop using the inferior product > for mostly irrational reasons (ever heard of game theory?) would > constantly make it hard for us with their incompatible protocols and > inferior

Re: Windows layer storage/transmission.

2002-01-02 Thread Dave Warren
> And by ridiculing people, do you find you convert them? Sorry for the post to the list, I was intending to send that directly to the person I was replying too, but sleepy fingers sent the email off before fixing the little "To" header details. Happy 2002! -- The nice thing about standards, t

Re: Re: New tech from Micro$oft

2002-01-14 Thread Dave Warren
> "Putting the PR into proprietary." :-) Mind if I steal that for a .sig? -- The nice thing about standards, there is enough for everyone to have their own. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line: 'unsubscribe v

Re: disabled wallpaper feature

2002-01-14 Thread Dave Warren
> i think what you described fits exactly with what we want to do it > simply monitoring effective use of equipment for the benefit of the > company... Just be aware that should you happen to learn something confidential, or fire an employee this way, your a** may well be owned by said employ

Re: How do I know if I have it?

2002-01-18 Thread Dave Warren
Palm OS ScanMan wrote: > What's the only OS that doesn't even pretend to be secure? Duh. -- The nice thing about standards, there is enough for everyone to have their own. - To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line

Re: Win2k service unstoppable

2002-01-19 Thread Dave Warren
I've run into this once in a while, it went away when I upgraded my video drivers. If you have the NT/W2K resource kit, you can use KILL.EXE to terminate the process... Kenneth Porter wrote: > My VNC service on Win2k Server has stopped responding, and I can't shut > it down remotely with the

Re: monitor several remote systems at the same time

2002-03-09 Thread Dave Warren
Start several instances of the VNC Viewer at the same time? I'm assuming I've misunderstood what you're trying to do... - Original Message - From: "Stephane Bastien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 10:15 AM Subject: monitor several remote system

Re: Vnc and the cut and paste clipboard

2002-03-13 Thread Dave Warren
> What can vnc do with the clipboard? As far as I found, currently nothing but > correct me if I'm wrong. > > My suggestion is if the vncviewer focus is changed, the clipboard should be > copied in the same direction. WinVNC (client and server) syncs the clipboard in both directions. I cannot sa

Re: TightVNC 1.2.3 released

2002-03-24 Thread Dave Warren
Constantin Kaplinsky wrote: > TightVNC 1.2.3 has been finally released. I have a number of computers running regulat WinVNC. Can I simply stop the VNC service, kill winvnc.exe vncviewer.exe, drop in the new EXE and DLLs (Into the existing \Program Files\ORL\VNC directory) and restart the serv

Re: Forced Shutdown of Windows NT/2K Systems

2002-03-26 Thread Dave Warren
John Roland Elliott wrote: > Isn't anyone else at least a little disappointed with these > "shutdown-and-I-really-mean-it-this-time-comma-dammit" approaches? When > there are processes running on my machines that don't or can't honor > shutdown requests, I kinda wanna know about it. Sometimes a p

Re: Forced Shutdown of Windows NT/2K Systems

2002-03-27 Thread Dave Warren
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > The problem needs to be addressed by the VNC developers, if PC Anywhere can > do it, I don't see any reason why VNC can't. PCAnywhere spreads itself everywhere it can within your system, and it breaks (Err hooks) into your video drivers as well. I suspect this is how

Re: Forced Shutdown of Windows NT/2K Systems

2002-03-27 Thread Dave Warren
s a very intelligent approach - and scriptable, also. > - Original Message - > From: "Dave Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Tuesday, 2002-03-26 09:27 > Subject: Re: Forced Shutdown of Windows NT/2K Systems > > > >>

2002-03-31 Thread Dave Warren
The last released version does everything AT&T needs it to do. Until they have a further business need, they likely won't resume the expense of development. - Original Message - From: "Anouk Kuiling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 2:35 PM Subject

Re: Connection to a remote server under Windows 98

2001-01-20 Thread Dave Warren
#x27;t see where I've got something wrong. ======== Dave Warren Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Free POP3 and WebMail at: ---

Re: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-22 Thread Dave Warren
to their servers. Thanks for your > efforts. ==== Dave Warren Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Free POP3 and WebMail at: ---

Re: VNC Newsgroup

2001-01-23 Thread Dave Warren
access to newsgroups? So again, If everyone > can receive email and not everyone has access to newsgroups then how would > it be available to a wider audience? h ======== Dave Warren Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Free POP3 and WebMai

Re: Stream encryption - is it time?

2001-01-25 Thread Dave Warren
t least for my uses, I only really want/need encryption. ======== Dave Warren Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Free POP3 and WebMail at: h

Re: Sending Ctrl + Alt + Del

2001-01-27 Thread Dave Warren
get that working? > Thanks, > Adam ==== Dave Warren Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Free POP3 and WebMail at: - To unsubscribe, send a messa

Re: Drive mapping?

2001-02-19 Thread Dave Warren
an only have drive mapping till Z?? not possible to make more? > please adive. ======== Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pager: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Windows 2000

2001-02-27 Thread Dave Warren
; Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:11 PM Subject: Windows 2000 > How do you get around the locked display on a Windows 2000 machine - if the > console is locked - I can not connect to VNC - if I unlock the console - I > can go right in - anyone have any suggestions ? =====

Re: Single Port File transfer

2001-03-06 Thread Dave Warren
don't want to see what I would come up with if I tried. ==== Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pager: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To unsubscribe, send a message with

Re: Single Port File transfer

2001-03-06 Thread Dave Warren
, I've never looked. ==== Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pager: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To unsubscribe, send a message with t

Re: WinVNC and Norton Personal Firewall 2001

2001-05-04 Thread Dave Warren
though they might relay through you). But to your average script kiddy, your machine is an apt target. They aren't bright enough to get into anything bigger, so your personal computer is a good enough target. ======== Dave Warren, Email: [EMAI

Re: WinVNC and Norton Personal Firewall 2001

2001-05-05 Thread Dave Warren
r for use when connecting to the corporate network. ======== Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Priority: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: User warning

2001-06-01 Thread Dave Warren
equest that the user authorise an incoming connection before it > will be accepted. The timeout before rejecting and the hosts which will be > queried can be seperately configured. ===


2001-06-05 Thread Dave Warren
vance :) Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Priority: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [

Re: Legality (of monitoring)

2001-06-05 Thread Dave Warren
be he lied, I'm not sure. But since I was able to get into the config, and I can tell that the service is running, I'm going to assume they are monitoring us. Thanks for the information. As always, much appreciated. Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL

Re: Business use of VNC

2001-06-14 Thread Dave Warren
ROTECTED] > See also: > ----- > Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Priority: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Business use of VNC

2001-06-14 Thread Dave Warren
the GLP being violated? > > What is the scoop there? ======== Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Priority: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Windows 2000 Pro, unstable and really slow connection.

2001-06-16 Thread Dave Warren
-- > To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list > to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > See also: > -

Re: VNC as spyware on TV

2001-06-25 Thread Dave Warren
> some businesses use it that way. ==== Dave Warren, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Priority: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To

Re: VNC as spyware on TV

2001-06-25 Thread Dave Warren
VNC as spyware on TV > From: Kevin Yager > > Have their been any actual cases documented of hackers remotely installing VNC > to be used to remote control the hacked PC, and without every having physical > access to the hardware? =====

Re: VNC as spyware on TV

2001-06-26 Thread Dave Warren
Did I install VNC on a default port? Nopers. Did some use "personal firewalls"? Yep. Easy solution, package it with something that needs to open a port and listen for some other reason. Most people don't know the difference about what is going on. ======