> Regarding registry keys, it seems that the windows vnc server sets a key
> named 'AllowLoopback' to 'false', so I'm not too sure how well editing
> the registry would work without modifying the code where the key gets
> set.
Please read the documentation at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc,
>Is anyone else having problems with OSX.3 and Explorer 5.1? The screen
>doesn't seem to fill correctly, and I get Java errors?
You'll have to be more specific than that. WHAT java errors, WHICH server,
anything unusual about your network setup, blah blah.
So far, I haven't got OS X final ins
I am having a problem that only started recently. The symptoms are as
- I have VNC in app mode running on an NT Server
- the server naturally "locks out" after a time period
- I can connect to the server from a remote machine with VNC
- after the session psw is provided, the NT server
You are running the server in application mode. You must run it as a
service. It will never have worked this way as an application.
James "Wez" Weatherall
"The path to enlightenment is /usr/bin/enlightenment"
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
If memory serves me right, Mohacsi Janos wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I would like to inform you, that Jun-ichiro itojun Itoh
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from the KAME project created an IPv6 patch for VNC
> 3.3.3r2 available from
> ftp://ftp.kame.net/pub/kame/misc/vnc-3.3.3r2-v6-20010421.diff.gz.
Hi All,
I know there are a lot of these questions already out
there, and I've tried the VNC FAQ to set this up(to no
avail). I'm running KDE2.0 and the server shows my
desktop color and cursor OK but no Icons. An xterm
window also shows up. I try running startkde from that
and get a ton of errors,
Error 1
The VNC Screen doen't fit in the browser. If I maximize the browser, I get
a Java runtime error.
Error 2.
Doesn't always repaint the whole scrren Some times only does a patchwork
of screen painting.
Error 3
Get I.E. fatal error when leaving a VNC site. Stops I.E 5.1 and I have to
>Error 1
>The VNC Screen doen't fit in the browser. If I maximize the browser, I get
>a Java runtime error.
>Error 2.
>Doesn't always repaint the whole scrren Some times only does a patchwork
>of screen painting.
>Error 3
>Get I.E. fatal error when leaving a VNC site. Stops I.E 5.1 and I ha
At 19:30 4-6-2001, you wrote:
>I know there are a lot of these questions already out
>there, and I've tried the VNC FAQ to set this up(to no
>avail). I'm running KDE2.0 and the server shows my
>desktop color and cursor OK but no Icons. An xterm
>window also shows up. I try running startkde from th
I would like someone else verify the problems I am seeing. I am new both
at VNC and OS X Have only 1 mac to work with.
At 08:51 PM 6/4/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >Error 1
> >The VNC Screen doen't fit in the browser. If I maximize the browser, I get
> >a Java runtime error.
> >
> >Error 2.
Try using the "Applet Launcher" Application from the Utilities folder under
Mac OS X.
I think you will find that it also has major problems as far as screen
refresh and other things. I think it has real problems with "copyrect"
because of this, and the fact that I don't have th
The Java built into Mac OS X works great for stand alone applications,
but the applet embedding stuff still have a ways to go. The newest IE
preview does have better support and some things now work, but it's
still spotty. Expect to have another Java update soon, probably around
MacWorld Expo
What program/client do you suggest I use to connect to VNC server from a
Mac OS/X?
At 03:23 PM 6/4/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Try using the "Applet Launcher" Application from the Utilities folder under
>Mac OS X.
>I think you will find that it also has major problems as far as screen
if you want a carbon app, use VNCThing.
if you detest the thought of using anything other than a cocoa app, then I
recommend VNC Dimension.
VNCViewer 1.24 (not as fast as vnc dimension) (at bottom of page) by Helm
Hello Everyone,
I would like to know if anybody know4s if the
vnc can work through serial port which is not over slip line-null modem
|Guy Karmin
|Tehila Project
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