Enough already! Sheesh! We've now heard every possible take, solution,
flame, opinion, and judgement on this matter. Thank you. But no more,
P.S. The ethical discussion raged for so long and so vehemently that
Antoine went out and installed Linux on all his machines, and is pl
- Message d'origine -
De : "Michael Milette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyi : samedi 30 dicembre 2000 05:31
Objet : Re: "ethical" to hide the VNC logo ...
> I have to wonder why people feel the need to hide in shadows in order to
> catch people in the act when it migh
- Message d'origine -
De : "Philip Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyi : samedi 30 dicembre 2000 09:08
Objet : Re: "ethical" to hide the VNC logo ...
> Enough already! > -Phil
> P.S. The ethical discussion raged for so long and so vehemently that
> Antoine went
I am using VNC successfully under both Linux and w2k. Installation as a
service under w2k was trivial. However, when I tried to install it as a
service on a Windows NT machine (running MS Small Business Service and
SP6a), the service installed but it will not start. When I attempt to start
In order to monitor several servers, I scale the windows to 1/4. When I want
to examine one more closely, I switch to full screen mode. I can't do this by
selecting Full screen from the right click menu, I have to go into the options
and deselect Scaling first. Is there a way to make Full screen m