> "Rude and arrogant" am I? There are plenty around who would (and do)
> say the opposite. They'd also probably see you in that light instead.
I usually don't respond to flames but I agree with what Jonathan is
saying here
> >they go around stealing
> >Free Software code by pretending they
>Warning - this is a rant. If you don't like rants, don't read this.
Even better: Don't clutter the list with boorish, ignorant rants.
(I won't compound the insult by quoting it.)
Jonathan did an excellent job of simply addressing your "technical"
points, feeble as they were. I will just ask, n
> > And please don't insult Macs.
>Why shouldn't I? I use one every day, and believe me, if I could, I'd
>throw that POS right out the window!
Strange, I have four of them and want more.
> > BT! Wrong! Well, right if you were only using the AT&T server.
>> But ChromiVNC is a *lot* mo
Warning - this is a rant. If you don't like rants, don't read this.
On 28 Nov 2001 06:37:28 +, Jonathan Morton wrote:
> And please don't insult Macs.
Why shouldn't I? I use one every day, and believe me, if I could, I'd
throw that POS right out the window!
> BT! Wrong! Well, right if
>Wow. I didn't even know Crapintoshes could do NAT...
That's what IPNetRouter is for. And please don't insult Macs.
>But more to the
>point, can't you just block all outsiders from ports 5800-5999? Those
>are the ports VNC uses.
That's probably the best idea. I don't recall whether IPNR will
Wow. I didn't even know Crapintoshes could do NAT... But more to the
point, can't you just block all outsiders from ports 5800-5999? Those
are the ports VNC uses. Oh, and if you're on a Mac you can only use
display 0 which would only use ports 5800(for the web service) and
5900(for the meat & pota
I'm running ChromiVNC on a Mac which is serving as a dual-NIC firewall --
cable modem on one NIC, local network on the other, with IPNetRouter in
It is necessary for the "external" IP to be on the built-in NIC, and the
internal LAN on the other. Open Transport and IPNR require it that wa