This is still a problem. Can someone give me some help?
At 01:19 PM 10/26/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>I installed a new card with an S3 Virge 64+ chip and 2mb RAM and it still
>does the same thing. Anyone have any ideas? What other new hardware could
>cause this problem?
I installed a new card with an S3 Virge 64+ chip and 2mb RAM and it still
does the same thing. Anyone have any ideas? What other new hardware could
cause this problem?
At 09:25 PM 10/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>I export the screen from my Netware server to my Linux machine running
I export the screen from my Netware server to my Linux machine running VNC.
This works great because I can then see my Netware console screen from
virutally anywhere. I upgraded the hardware on my Linux machine, by
basically moved the hard drive to a new machine. Everything in the machine