Is there a way to remotely install VNC on Win9x machines? Under NT/2000 I
have successfully done this, but since Win9x doesn't support the remote
console (which is how I did it on NT/2000), I'm having some troubles.
Nick Melchi
Thanks for the replies. I have a password set on my Win98 machine (and
yes, I know what the password is).
Port forwarding at work is not an option for me either.
Thanks for the help. Looks like it can't be done without port forwarding.
"John Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/0
Wondering how to VNC from my workplace (behind firewall/proxy) to my home
computer. Work computer is Windows 2000 Pro, home computer is Win98SE.
Both PCs are running VNC version 3.3.3r7.
I tried typing in my IP address in the VNC Viewer at work and I get the
password box, after I type th