I have a requirment simalar to what VNC does. I would like to pass keyboard
events to my Application from my main program.
I have a main program that uses CreateProcess() to create a New Process
"A"(like acrobat.exe or calc.exe), also my main program should be able to
simulate certian keyboar
Look at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/platforms.html#sgi
Also, in the "useful notes", there is a typo:
#define XvncRelease \"3r2"\ should read #define XvncRelease \"3r2\"
Good Luck!
On Feb 21, 4:57pm, Greg Paradis wrote:
> Subject: sgi compile error: libvnc.a
> I am gett
> If you can get to a key board you can sniff a hub/switch or un secured router.
> This means ANY computer on the network can be used to go sniffing.. You don't
> need physical access to the router. That would just make life to easy
Oh, I didn't knew that. Well, I guess,
If you can get to a key board you can sniff a hub/switch or un secured router.
This means ANY computer on the network can be used to go sniffing.. You don't
need physical access to the router. That would just make life to easy
Patrick Corneli_en <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Michael Os
Hello Michael Ossmann,
> That's cool as long as you can trust everyone in your house, which your
> comments lead me to believe might not be the case. Don't trust a switch
> to protect your network segment. Methods to sniff and interfere with
> traffic on a switch, while not quite as easy as doi