RE: VNC v4.1.2 and XFINITY Modem

2012-04-05 Thread John Cunniff
Phillip, I want to thank you for your offer to help me. I totally understand how things works. I went ahead to check. I noticed that VNC icon shows and ipconfig tells me that IP address shows and the Default Gateway is so, from the kitchen, I would do:

Good news!!!

2012-04-05 Thread John Cunniff
Hello, Philip!! I got a good news for you!! I went to the kitchen to access my laptop via my local Wi-Fi. I tried and it worked OK, however, Firefox showed nothing. I tried Internet Explorer, it requested me to get Java since my laptop doesn't have

RE: Good news!!!

2012-04-05 Thread Philip Herlihy
That's great. Well done. I use the Sun Java, from, but that's just through following links that have been offered at various times. Never had a problem. In Firefox, I believe Java is a separate plug-in. Philip Herlihy Email: Tel: 020 8521 9157 M