The ping does not stop. I ran ping -t, and then started vncviewer.exe. When
the hang occurred, the ping continued to report access to the server. By the
way, the mouse on the client also continued to operate the cursor on the
server, although the client screen was frozen.
Seak, Teng-Fong wrote:
>> I'd like to use the program to do a little remote training. I need to be
>> able to access the remote machine (via a VPN) and have it access the web. I
>> can 'vnc' into the machines with no problem, but I can't get IE or Firefox
>> to
> I'd like to use the program to do a little remote training. I need to be
> able to access the remote machine (via a VPN) and have it access the web. I
> can 'vnc' into the machines with no problem, but I can't get IE or Firefox to
> connect to the web on the host. I
I'd like to use the program to do a little remote training. I need to be able
to access the remote machine (via a VPN) and have it access the web. I can
'vnc' into the machines with no problem, but I can't get IE or Firefox to
connect to the web on the host. Its no problem on a Windows 98 mac
Is there a -generatekeys command-line option? I've been trying to generate the
RSA key from the prompt.
George Marselis
System Programmer
Achaiki Cooperative Bank
VNC-List mailing list
To remove yourself from the list vi
I have a remote windows2000 Professional machine. It had vnc 3.3.7 (server),
and everything worked correctly.
I've installed vnc 4.1.2, and everything is correct (even it's faster), exept
the remote cursor (the mouse pointer), which has disappeared. Only the local
cursor (the little squar
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