I'm trying to boot most recent netbsd9 into bhyve.
Trying to start the install like this
# bhyve -AHP -s 0:0,amd_hostbridge -s 1:0,lpc \
-s 2:0,virtio-net,tap6 \
-s 3:0,virtio-blk,./netbsd9.img \
-s 4:0,ahci-cd,/isos/NetBSD/9/NetBSD-9.3-amd64.iso -c 4 -m 8G \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
-l com1,/dev/nmdm0A \
then, in another terminal
# cu -l /dev/nmdm0B
NetBSD/x86 EFI Boot (x64), Revision 1.1 (Thu Aug 4 15:30:37 UTC 2022) (from
NetBSD 9.3)
Memory: 640/3137664 k
1. Boot normally
2. Boot single user
3. Drop to boot prompt
Choose an option; RETURN for default; SPACE to stop countdown.
Option 1 will be chosen in 0 seconds.
command(s): rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;boot
default boot twice, skipping...
18476680+668736+1428416 [869943+1252488+894273]=0x16e11b0
WARNING: couldn't open /var/db/entropy-file
Loading /stand/amd64/9.3/modules/cd9660/cd9660.kmod
WARNING: 1 module failed to load
On a linux box I can create a netbsd vm in virtualbox.
Why not in bhyve?
thanks in advance for any help/assistance