Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-01-28 Thread Udo Richter
Hi list, I've finished a third version of the shutdown rewrite. Again there are two patches available, one for VDR 1.5.0, and one with slight changes for 1.4.x. - Shutdown command call

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-01-28 Thread Udo Richter
Klaus Schmidinger wrote: I would suggest to rename NextWakeupEvent() to WakeupTime(), because there isn't really an "event" involved, and the word "event is generally used in a different context (for EPG events). Plus, the individual plugin only has a single wake-up time, so there's no need for "

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-01-31 Thread Udo Richter
Marko Mäkelä wrote: First, and more important: Can you please suspend the playback of recordings when Shutdown.IsUserInactive() holds? Here is the relevant hunk from my vdr-suspend patch: This would break the other interesting feature, shut down VDR as soon as the playback ends. Also, this wo

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-01 Thread Udo Richter
Marko Mäkelä wrote: It does. The typical use case is that you pause live video or start a recording with a timer, then start watching it while it is still recording, so that you can skip commercial breaks. Then you get interrupted while watching it. It would be very handy to push the power but

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-03 Thread Udo Richter
Marko Mäkelä wrote: Actually I would press the pause button, as I usually don't want to miss anything. And then the playback should be halted anyway, no matter if display is on or off. But you surely would power the display off, to avoid burning the still image on the CRT or plasma screen or t

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-05 Thread Udo Richter
Peter Dittmann wrote: How about a new two level inactivity timeout ? After VDR starts the inactivity timeout uses a first short timeout (e.g. 5min) assuming that VDR has automaticly being started. Actually, even in worst case you'll see the 5-minute-countdown, so you already have enough time

Re: [vdr] Udo's runvdr extreme online?

2007-02-05 Thread Udo Richter
Jere Malila wrote: Is it online somewhere? Udo's site seemed to be down / reinstalled? Dammed, they've busted the server. I've put up a temporary mirror here: Cheers, Udo ___ vdr maili

Re: [vdr] Udo's runvdr extreme online?

2007-02-05 Thread Udo Richter
Udo Richter wrote: Jere Malila wrote: Is it online somewhere? Udo's site seemed to be down / reinstalled? Dammed, they've busted the server. Main site at is up again. Busted it myself because my ftp client connected to the wrong site. :o I&#

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-06 Thread Udo Richter
Marko Mäkelä wrote: However, you're right about breaking that feature: if PlayVideo() and PlayAudio() start refusing data when Shutdown.IsUserInactive() holds, the playback will never end, and VDR would probably wait MinUserInactivity (3 hours by default) until shutdown. While playback, the cur

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-07 Thread Udo Richter
Marko Mäkelä wrote: You can shut down while playback, you just have to confirm it. And if you don't confirm it, VDR will shut down 5 minutes after the playback ends. Sure, if the playback ends. It won't end with my patched softdevice that stops the playback of recordings when Shutdown.IsUserIn

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-07 Thread Udo Richter
Marko Mäkelä wrote: Well, that would still break this scenario: You're watching a recording while it is being recorded. Then you get interrupted and push the Power button. Before the timed recording finishes and VDR gets a chance to shut down, you get back and push a button to switch to interac

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-08 Thread Udo Richter
VDR User wrote: Also, the user "inactivity" stuff is again, a bad idea. Vdr should not assume anything or take action just because the user hasn't interacted with it in a while. This type of behavior is simply not consistent with other devices and not a behavior the user would expect. My tv

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-08 Thread Udo Richter
VDR User wrote: There is no reason to behave otherwise unless it's done thru some kind of "auto-shutoff? [y/n]" setting. As said above, its called "Min User Inactivity" and can be set to 0. Also, a coffee-maker is not a device used for entertainment purposes. Nobody turns their coffee-maker

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-11 Thread Udo Richter
Darren Salt wrote: Then there's the upgrade restart, which should be available via a signal. The actual restart should be deferred if VDR is currently busy. (It is *possible* to implement this via runvdr, but it's a lot easier to handle if VDR can re-exec itself.) H. Some kind of i-am-idle-

Re: [vdr] ledxmit-irsend to STB before channel-change??

2007-02-16 Thread Udo Richter
Simon Baxter wrote: I'm looking for a way to execute a command whenever a channel change is selected. I think part of the 'sky' plugin is close to what I want - without the stream type changing part. Has anyone done anything like this? Not as far as I know, but it should be possible with a qu

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-16 Thread Udo Richter
Darren Salt wrote: I guess the only situation that may cause a problem is if the VDR never shuts down, eg. has no shutdown script at all. It must have some "Min User Inactivity" setting, or else live viewing could be interrupted by the automatic update. The user inactivity setting isn't relevan

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x

2007-02-17 Thread Udo Richter
Darren Salt wrote: We re-define SIGHUP, so that it doesn't terminate VDR instantly, but instead checks for activity. If user and vdr is inactive, act just like sigterm, if there's some activity, ignore the signal. An external script could then repeat sending the SIGHUP periodically until termi

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x, version 0.4

2007-02-18 Thread Udo Richter
Hi list, I've finished a fourth version of the shutdown rewrite. Again there are two patches available, one for VDR 1.5.0, and one with slight changes for 1.4.x. Changes: - Renamed som

[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] runvdr extreme 0.2

2007-02-18 Thread Udo Richter
Hi list, I've updated the runvdr extreme script to version 0.2. runvdr extreme is a runvdr script, just like the runvdr script included in the VDR distribution. Additionally, it supports configuration files, lots of command line options and more features. ->

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x, version 0.4 - Finnish i18n

2007-02-19 Thread Udo Richter
Rolf Ahrenberg wrote: I've one question about this sentence: "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" If I'm pressing 'OK' here, does it continue the shutdown or running the VDR? I don't like it either, but didn't come up with a good other idea for this. For consistency it should be "Plugi

Re: [vdr] writing plugins 101

2007-02-23 Thread Udo Richter
Simon Baxter wrote: Anyone know a good reference on how to write VDR plugins? There's not much available, sorry. You can start by taking a look at the PLUGINS.html, then just start with a test plugin. The newplugin script will generate one for you. From there, its a matter of trying. For so

Re: [vdr] [RFC] Shutdown rewrite for 1.5.x, version 0.4

2007-02-24 Thread Udo Richter
Udo Richter wrote: I've finished a fourth version of the shutdown rewrite. Again there are two patches available, one for VDR 1.5.0, and one with slight changes for 1.4.x. Changes: - Handle setup menu restart questions in cShutdown::ConfirmRestart() - Act differently on SIGHUP: Restar

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