Ich glaube, dass GotoX und Go to Position auch sehr wichtig ist. Kann es
sein, dass vielleicht alle Patches die hier bis jetzt veröffentlicht wurden
unserem Klaus nicht gefallen haben?
Ist es vielleicht sinnvoller, dass Klaus einfach mal sagt wie er es sich
vorstellt, damit solche Patches mehr Cha
I believe that GoToX and go to position is also very important. Could it be
that maybe all the patches that have been published here so far we do not
have Klaus fallen?
Is it perhaps better to say that Klaus just once as he imagines that such
patches have more opportunities to become integrated in
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Bikalexander wrote:
> I believe that GoToX and go to position is also very important. Could it be
> that maybe all the patches that have been published here so far we do not
> have Klaus fallen?
> Is it perhaps better to say that Klaus just once as he imagines tha
Am Montag, den 01.02.2010, 16:52 +0100 schrieb Thomas Grünig:
> Hi Falk,
> I had this problem too and found a solution in vdr-portal.de:
> Goto setup/DVB and set Audio languages to 0. For me it works fine.
Good trick. Works fine. Thanks!
> Assuming you speak german, here is the link to the
On 01/26/2010 06:28 PM, Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:
On Wed, 13 Jan 2010, Petri Helin wrote:
1. Pausing. At the monet the subtitles will disappear like in a live
view - meaning that VDR seems to adhere the life time assignened to a
subtitle image though the replay has been paused, causing the