Sorry if my mail is out of topic. I'm looking for a linux distro for my
vdr box. I'd like a light system (without X11 since I use a dxr3 card)
that boots fast.
vdr mailing list
Damien Bally ha scritto:
> Hello
> Sorry if my mail is out of topic. I'm looking for a linux distro for
> my vdr box. I'd like a light system (without X11 since I use a dxr3
> card) that boots fast.
> Thanks
> Damien
> ___
> vdr mailing list
A start point : http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/archvdr/
On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 20:16:37 +0200, Diego Pierotto
> Damien Bally ha scritto:
>> Hello
>> Sorry if my mail is out of topic. I'm looking for a linux distro for
>> my vdr box. I'd like a light system (without X11 since I use a dxr3
gimli a écrit :
A start point : http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/archvdr/
Sounds good. Is it superior to slackware in term of boot time compared
to slackware (which I'm using) ?
I'd like a system booting in a few seconds.
vdr mailing list
Damien Bally ha scritto:
> gimli a écrit :
>> A start point : http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/archvdr/
> Sounds good. Is it superior to slackware in term of boot time compared
> to slackware (which I'm using) ?
> I'd like a system booting in a few seconds.
> __