Re: [vdr] Recordings Numbering

2010-11-09 Thread Olaf Titz
> Potentially the recordings and timers could all be renumbered to start > consecutively at zero on some regular schedule (e.g., daily), or via Renumbering would defeat the purpose of keeping the numbers constant ;-) With just 8 digits for the ID, you could do 1000 recordings a day and still not

Re: [vdr] Recordings Numbering

2010-11-08 Thread Olaf Titz
> should start at 1 and count up as it already does. Also, instead of > changing the current numbering system, could using a hash provide you > with the same result you're looking for? I would think hashing the > first X MB of a recording would suffice to create a unique identifier. If you want

Re: [vdr] Recordings Numbering

2010-11-08 Thread Olaf Titz
> But even with such unique numbers, an SVDRP client that accesses > recordings or timers would still need to know whether the VDR instance > it is communicating with has been restarted since the last time it > fetched the list of timers/recordings. It should keep the SVDRP connection open, then i

Re: [vdr] [Patch] Allow to limit SVDRP port to given IP

2010-01-09 Thread Olaf Titz
> I've attached a second patch. This patch changes VDR's svdrp port > handling in the following way: If only the localhost item is found in > svdrphosts.conf, then the port is attached to "INADDR_LOOPBACK", which > makes it impossible to reach the port from outside. As soon as even one > additional

Re: [vdr] [Patch] Allow to limit SVDRP port to given IP

2010-01-09 Thread Olaf Titz
> How about this: if svdrphosts.conf contains only one single IP number, then > open the port for only that IP number. Otherwise i needs to be opened > generally, This only works if the single line in svdrphosts.conf is But how about this much simpler solution: if svdrphosts.conf is m

Re: [vdr] German translation for "Plugin"

2009-01-17 Thread Olaf Titz
>User: "There is no Control key on my keyboard." > Support: "Oh, of course, you have a German keyboard - it's the > 'Steuerung' key then." >User: "I don't see a 'Steuerung' key here." > Support: "It's the one labeled 'Strg'." >User: "Ah, you mean the 'String' key!" ...where obviously w

[vdr] Cut marks editing problem

2007-05-06 Thread Olaf Titz
I'm editing a recording with some errors in it (errors of the kind "broken MPEG kills vdr-sxfe"). Looks like the index.vdr is broken, so I run genindex. After that, some existing cut marks are not on a GOP boundary any more (looks like genindex really has fixed something). I can't edit these cut ma

Re: [vdr] recording directory changes after timer resume

2007-05-02 Thread Olaf Titz
> The only quick solution I can think of is to turn off "Use episode name" > in "Setup/Recording". It would be nice to have a flag in the individual timer for this. There are a lot of shows where you want episode subdirs and a lot of others where the EPG is so broken you're better off without (try

[vdr] [PATCH] xineliboutput: keyboard read fix

2006-10-08 Thread Olaf Titz
This trivial patch (for xineliboutput-1.0.0p5) fixes the situation with a remote frontend where stdin is not connected to a keyboard. The keyboard thread would not recognize an EOF condition (e.g. /dev/null) and spin at 100% CPU. (Same with pressing Ctrl-D I guess.) Perhaps the whole thing should j

Re: [vdr] [Announce] vdr-skipeditmode patch

2006-10-03 Thread Olaf Titz
> ...see here: yes, that seems to do the same but more feature-complete. Thanks. (and I'm curious whether this has the same buffering issues... will try.) Olaf ___ vdr mailing list http://www.linuxtv.o

[vdr] [Announce] vdr-skipeditmode patch

2006-10-03 Thread Olaf Titz
Hello all, it's not perfect (yet) but might interest some people :-) With this modification you can play recordings with cut marks as if they were already cut. I.e. when reaching a cut-out position, replay automatically jumps to the next cut-in position as with the "9" key. So you can watch auto-