> That may be. Have you installed the latest updates?
># sudo apt-get update
># sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>There should at least be an update for vdr-plugin-dynamite.
Sorry, I don't use yavdr.
Rotorng works fine for me with the last 1.7.22 and the previous versions.
The version 22 is patche
I think the problem is YaVDR.
Rotorng work whit both vdr-1.7.21/22 (whit patch).
There are only same problem with low/no signal!
The old-rotor not compile for me.
kind regards,
diff -ruN 1.7.22//device.h 1.7.22a//device.h
--- 1.7.22//device.h 2011-12-04 14:38:17.0 +0100
+++ 1.7.22a/