can someone please be so kind and sent me how to create channels.conf
for vdr 1.6.0 ?
I am using scandvb -o vdr /usr/share/dvb-apps/dvb-s/Hotbird-13.0E >
but it does not work!
Looking to channels.conf i can see that "PARAMETER" value is missing
What am i doing wrong? :(
Hello, my question is?
Does dvb-apps 1.1.1 and their utility scan support vdr 1.6 format?
dvb-apps 1.1.1 is official tarball on dvb-apps website.
vdr mailing list
sorry if i am making offtopic here, but at least i will try, i am sure
someone could help me here.
I have Technisat Skystar 2 PCI , rev 2.8 . It works sucessfuly ,usind v4l +
drivers provided on technistar website.
However dvbscan utility from dvb-apps hg does not works for me.
*dvbscan ret
Hello guys,
I have Fedora 9 with lastest kernel. I have Skystar 2 DVB PCI card rev 2.8.
As this revision is using FlexCopII DVB i needed to recompile v4l dvb
modules. I have downloaded lastest v4l using mercurial.
Now my Skystar 2 works fine with Fedora 9 . I am using Kaffeine , which
works fine.