If the linux-media guys every get their act together in that area,
this wouldn't be necessary. Standardized statistics has been discussed
(at length) a number of times but unfortunately nothing was ever
agreed on and merged.
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Jose Alberto Reguero
> This patc
> Epgsearch has an option to avoid duplicates, so it would record every
> episode once - no matter how old they are. Is that what you're looking for?
> If not, how can VDR decide if an episode is new or not?
I looked into this ages ago and iirc, there's no sure way for VDR to
know if an episode is
This patch add SubsystemId for usb cards, to be able to make changes to
GetSignalQuality and GetSignalStrength functions.
Jose Alberto--- vdr-2.1.6/dvbdevice.c 2014-03-16 11:38:31.0 +0100
+++ vdr-actual/dvbdevice.c 2014-05-24 13:06:25.358513231 +0200
@@ -1750,12 +1735,26 @@ uint32_t cDvbD
> I am trying to setup vdr so any new showings of show get recorded. Mythtv
> has option to record only new episodes How do I set this up with vdr ?
Epgsearch has an option to avoid duplicates, so it would record every
episode once - no matter how old they are. Is that what you're looking
I am trying to setup vdr so any new showings of show get recorded. Mythtv
has option to record only new episodes How do I set this up with vdr ?
vdr mailing list
Am 23.05.2014 00:21, schrieb jacek burghardt:
> Coming from mythtv I wonder if there is a way to search for new shows of
> series. Does epgsearch has such fundion I use vdradminp-an I would love
> to be able to have it search and record new shows
Not sure I understand exactly what you are after, b