[vdr] [Announce] remotetimers 0.1.7

2012-06-27 Thread Frank Schmirler
Hi, today I published remotetimers-0.1.7 on http://vdr.schmirler.de. It brings some minor bugfixes plus the following new features: With (at least) VDR 1.7.28: - Patch for new LCARS skin: Include remote timers in the main menu timers list - Calculate free disk space in minutes based on size and l

Re: [vdr] VDR on Centos/RHEL6

2012-06-27 Thread Pasi Kärkkäinen
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 06:12:29PM +0200, Michael Schumacher wrote: > > "make" with this version resulted in a lot of errors. > > ---8<--- > Package freetype2 was not found in the pkg-config search path. > Perhaps you should add the directory containing `freetype2.pc' > to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH env

Re: [vdr] Please share your systemd (Upstart) service file

2012-06-27 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Manuel Reimer may or may not have written... [snip] > BTW: "systemd" is one of many init systems. I don't know why this system is > that special, that it deserves upstream integration. Especially as this > would just reflect the defaults of *one* distribution. And we all know which

Re: [vdr] Please share your systemd (Upstart) service file

2012-06-27 Thread Manuel Reimer
Ludwig Nussel wrote: Yes. Not only for better systemd integration but in general it would be better if vdr could work without requiring any external scripting or configuration. You need some external script to call VDR as somewhere it is required to configure plugins and plugin parameters and

Re: [vdr] VDR on Centos/RHEL6

2012-06-27 Thread Michael Schumacher
Hello Pasi, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 3:13:52 PM, you wrote: PK> Well, paste the errors. First error messages are the most important. Here come the details. I didn't want to put all the details in my initial E-mail, because I thought there is a good chance that there is a simple solution to my pro

Re: [vdr] Please share your systemd (Upstart) service file

2012-06-27 Thread Ville Skyttä
On 2012-06-27 12:48, Paul Menzel wrote: > looking around for systemd service files I found three examples. The Fedora one and other related files are at http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=vdr.git;a=tree ___ vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org http://

Re: [vdr] Please share your systemd (Upstart) service file

2012-06-27 Thread Ludwig Nussel
Paul Menzel wrote: [...] and the one shipped by openSUSE [2]. [Unit] Descritpion=VDR After=lirc.service [Service] Type=once ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/runvdr TimeoutSec=0 The reference to /usr/local makes it pretty obvious that this

[vdr] Please share your systemd (Upstart) service file

2012-06-27 Thread Paul Menzel
Dear VDR folks, looking around for systemd service files I found three examples. One from OpenBricks [1], [Unit] Description=Video Disk Recorder After=lircd.service pvr.service ConditionPathExists=/run/geexbox/pvr/vdr [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/runvdr Restart=alway

Re: [vdr] distribution of systemd service file

2012-06-27 Thread Paul Menzel
Am Mittwoch, den 19.01.2011, 15:56 +0100 schrieb Steffen Barszus: > 2011/1/19 Paul Menzel: > > I just noticed that Davide Cavalca added an systemd [1] service file for > > VDR to OpenBricks [2]. > > > > Is it useful to get this included upstream, so that all distributions > > can use it? I just fo