On Monday 31 October 2011 08:07:10 Nicolas Huillard wrote:
> Le vendredi 28 octobre 2011 à 22:59 +0200, Damien Bally a écrit :
> > I'm making some kind of embedded vdr distribution based on busybox and
> > minimal X11, the problem is I have no idea of how I can launch vdr and
> > xineliboutput at s
Hi Stuart,
Am 31.10.2011 00:39, schrieb Stuart Morris:
My mistake...I think.
I had previously had this setting:
Compare subtitle yes
Which I later changed to "no", but did not delete the timers it had already
created. Once I deleted the timers and triggered an update I got zero repeats.
Am I c
Le vendredi 28 octobre 2011 à 22:59 +0200, Damien Bally a écrit :
> I'm making some kind of embedded vdr distribution based on busybox and
> minimal X11, the problem is I have no idea of how I can launch vdr and
> xineliboutput at startup.
What I recently did, based on Debian + e-tobi + minimal
Le vendredi 28 octobre 2011 à 11:24 +0100, Laz a écrit :
> I also suspect that I can run "full" vdr on the client to allow me to use
> some plugins on there?! Not looked into that yet. I suspect I can probably
> just use vdr-sxfe as a basic frontend, with lirc forwarding so I can
> "hide" the se