>> Hmm, I noticed that my OSD Flush time was set to 59 seconds in VDR
>> settings.. If I drop that to some small value like 5 seconds, VDR
>> doesn't hang anymore because the watchdog is not triggered for such a
>> short time.
> No idea about the cause, but I'd like to point out that the value ra
On Friday 29 October 2010, Teemu Suikki wrote:
> Hmm, I noticed that my OSD Flush time was set to 59 seconds in VDR
> settings.. If I drop that to some small value like 5 seconds, VDR
> doesn't hang anymore because the watchdog is not triggered for such a
> short time.
No idea about the cause, but
You might have noticed already, that projects.vdr-developer.org is not
reachable right now.
The whole vdr-developer.org domain seems to be gone. Let's hope it
hasn't expired and some stupid domain grabber gets his hands on it.
I've already contacted Siegmar at vdrportal.de (he's the dom
It is working fine now. Thanks guys for help.
Best Regards
vdr mailing list
Your channel lines may have changed, even if it was only one
character. Get a new copy and test a single line again. I had to do
the same last night, because of the channel names updating...
On 31 October 2010 16:44, semsem85 sami wrote:
> Hi,
> The xmltv2vdr script is not working for