Re: [vdr] vdpau experience

2009-11-03 Thread Malcolm Caldwell
On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 13:46 +1000, Torgeir Veimo wrote: > 2009/10/27 Malcolm Caldwell : > > Which is a shame for me, as I like xineliboutput's media player. > > Unfortunatly the media player crashes xineliboutput when I use vdpau, > > although I have not tried patching to the latest patch for xine-

Re: [vdr] [OT] Compilation of dxr3player

2009-11-03 Thread Damien Bally
Jan Willies a écrit : Hi Damien, Am 29.10.2009 15:17, schrieb Damien Bally: Did anyone succeed in compiling dxr3player with gcc 4.x.x ? I succeeded around september but now compilation fails here too (gcc-4.4.2) with the same error. You may want to contact the author directly, he's been a

Re: [vdr] [OT] ARM based devices for VDR server and client

2009-11-03 Thread Paul Menzel
Am Sonntag, den 01.11.2009, 21:43 +0100 schrieb Helge Lenz: > As far as I know uses the reel NetClient an ARM core but I am not shure > which one and if there is an additional graphics processor onboard. As > long as nobody buys this box and opens it, we won't know. As far as I know all used com

Re: [vdr] [OT] ARM based devices for VDR server and client

2009-11-03 Thread Paul Menzel
Dear list, Am Samstag, den 31.10.2009, 09:28 +0100 schrieb Paul Menzel: > I searched the Web but could not find a lot of reviews or tests about > ARM based VDR systems. just a small update. I posted on the Beagle Board mailing list [3] and found also a post [4] where someone had run VDR successf

Re: [vdr] [OT] ARM based devices for VDR server and client

2009-11-03 Thread Paul Menzel
Am Dienstag, den 03.11.2009, 09:49 +0200 schrieb Michael Stepanov: > IMHO nVidia Ion is much better option. Did you try both options or is this just your point of view from reading the specs? > Especially for HDTV. As far as I know the Beagle Board is supposed to play 720p without any problems.

Re: [vdr] Jerky sound with dvdplugin (dxr3)

2009-11-03 Thread Christian Gmeiner
Hi Damien, It would be really coll, if you add a bug description here: I am working almost every day now on this plugin and a big rework in the area of Buffering will be shortly commited. So I can look in to other issues - and there a

Re: [vdr] [OT] Compilation of dxr3player

2009-11-03 Thread Jan Willies
Hi Damien, Am 29.10.2009 15:17, schrieb Damien Bally: Did anyone succeed in compiling dxr3player with gcc 4.x.x ? I succeeded around september but now compilation fails here too (gcc-4.4.2) with the same error. You may want to contact the author directly, he's been always helpful to me. c

Re: [vdr] Jerky sound with dvdplugin (dxr3)

2009-11-03 Thread Jan Willies
Hi Damien, Am 02.11.2009 23:32, schrieb Damien Bally: I tried dvdplugin and noticed the sound was totally broken and jerky. Is there a patch that fixes this problem ? You may want to try dxr3player (via externalplayerPlugin or something). That used to work well here. Now I am using plain mp