I am trying to get the GPIO pins to toggle when transmitting for both channels
on the b210 however I am having difficulties as channel B is not toggling the
ATR which controls the pin out. I have gone through the commands which select
the different sources and banks to control the GPIOs but usua
I have tried this, the only available banks are “FP0”, “TXA”, and “RXA”.
However, the only one which works seems to be FP0. The other 2 just cause me
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I’ve seen this before and it is a fantastic resource for GPIOs. However, best I
can tell upon looking it over again is that there should be a second “source”
on the B210 which just is not there. When I run get_gpio_src() I get an error
message saying the command is not implemented on the motherb
I see, thank you for your help all the same. I’ll keep at it and perhaps
someone else can lend some insight in the meantime.
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Hello, I am revisiting this issue again in hopes of someone with more
familiarity seeing it this time. To reiterate my problem, I am trying to get
the GPIO pins controlled by the ATR tied to transmitting and receiving on
either channel A or channel B on the USRP B210. Currently I only have it