Re: [USRP-users] FLEX900 + USRP1 Rev2

2017-10-23 Thread John Ackermann N8UR via USRP-users
If anyone has that wiki page archived, I'd love to see it as I have a very early USRP1 that I meant to modify but never got around to it. IIRC, it was to add a missing clock signal to the daughterboard connector. In the meantime, I'll dig for the resources that Kyeong mentioned. On 10/23/201

[USRP-users] Re: B210 Frequency Stability versus Frequency Accuracy

2024-04-09 Thread John Ackermann N8UR via USRP-users
I'm not sure about this particular unit, but typically if a crystal oscillator datasheet lists an "accuracy" specification, that is over a time period that takes into account the long-term frequency drift ("aging") that affects almost all oscillators. Sometimes the accuracy is specified over a