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when I want to build an FPGA source for x300 (In Ubuntu 20.04, Gnuradio
3.8.1, uhd- I used the below command:
source setupenv.sh --vivado-path=/home/sp/xilinx/Vivado
make X300_HG
But I have been faced with these errors... can any idea for solving this
[00:00:23] Starting Synthe
On 2022-01-31 01:40, seckinoncu8...@gmail.com wrote:
So, when I want to use the two ports with full capacity, is there
always a complication like this?
Could the problem be with the network card( x520-da2)?
There shouldn't be, but in the interest of debugging, see how far you
can get wit
Dear USRP-User list,
Has anyone used N321 together with CDA2990 before, and please let me know how
to let N321 to work correctly for phase locking to the external REF signal, or
this is a known bug with the UHD.
From: Ming You
Sent: 24 Ja
I am working on a E320 USRP unit and using UHD-
I prepared my own FPGA image that has 1 radio block and 1 replay block with
2 ports (channels)
I would like to be able to simultaneously perform playback of 1 Tx channel
and recording of 2 Rx channels (to/from different memory location
In my experience, it is a significant challenge to get maximum rate Tx
streaming from host to operate without streaming errors. It is much more
challenging than maximum rate Rx Streaming. As a result, when I am using
maximum rates (that would require both 10Gbe links), I always use the Tx
On 2022-01-24 12:37, Ming You wrote:
Hi Marcus,
The X310 is actually fulfilled by USRP-2950, i.e., X310 and WBX and GPSDO.
The graph has been attached, actually it is very simple, just send a triangle signal over
one channels from the tx (for convenience, I've only attached one antenna to the
Hi Ofer,
1. It is bidirectional. You can think of the "record" and the "play"
components as independent, but connected to the same memory. So be careful
not to read/write to the same memory space and be aware that reading and
writing simultaneously slows down the DRAM making under/overflow more
Hello Wade,
Thank you for your prompt response.
A few more questions please:
1. I am not sure that when we say bi-directional we mean the same thing.
The record and playback functions derive their function to some extent from
the graph connectivity. I would like, for the *same port* of Replay, to