[USRP-users] In installing gr-ettus when i built Gnuradio and UHD from source i faced with strange errors...

2021-12-19 Thread sp h
I built Gnuradio from the source, Gnuradio version 3.8.1 with UHD 4.1.04 or UHD 4.0.0(I tested with all UHD versions) now when I want to install gr-ettus oot in Gnuraadio I am faced with the below errors... How can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance [ 64%] Swig source ettus_swig.i Deprecat

[USRP-users] Re: In installing gr-ettus when i built Gnuradio and UHD from source i faced with strange errors...

2021-12-19 Thread Marcus Müller
Hi Stackprogrammer, swig errors like that really like to happen if SWIG, for some reason, finds the wrong headers. Is it possible you've got *multiple* installations of UHD, or GNU Radio, or an existing gr-ettus installation? Best regards, Marcus Müller On 19.12.21 10:40, sp h wrote: I buil