Hi Jonathon,
I’ve gone ahead and given that a shot. I received a different message now:
File “.../RFNoC.py” , line 164, in_init_
self.ettus_fosphor_display_0=ettus.fosphor_display(512, 64, 512)
AttributeError:module ‘ettus’ has no attribute ‘fosphor_display’
>>>Done (return code 1)
Check the PYTHONPATH to make sure it holds the correct install directory
for UHD Python. I'm guessing it does not. I'm pretty sure UHD by default
installs its Python library and files into
"/usr/local/lib/python3/site-packages" ... or "dist-packages" ... note the
"/python3/" rather than some specif
On 11/09/2020 09:59 AM, Michael Dickens via USRP-users wrote:
Check the PYTHONPATH to make sure it holds the correct install
directory for UHD Python. I'm guessing it does not. I'm pretty sure
UHD by default installs its Python library and files into
"/usr/local/lib/python3/site-packages" ... o
Hi Lukas,
For the UBX, the gain values of 0-31.5 are probably where you want to
stay. I have not found a reason to use the additional 6dB of digital
gain. The gain values you set should be reasonably accurate in a relative
sense. If you want to increase/decrease by 10 dB on your FFT display, the
Hi all,
After testing a loopback in GNU Radio with a custom block (the gain example
from the Getting Started with RFNoC guide), I managed to get the samples
going from the host to the "RFNoC domain" and back to the host, without
involving the radio cores at all. My flowgraph was Signal Source (Hos
Hi Jorge,
I don't see any indication that you are calling the Connect() function to
connect the RFNoC blocks in the FPGA.
On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 1:35 PM Jorge Arroyo Giganto via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> After testing a loopback in GNU Radio with a custom b
Hi Marcus,
> From: "Marcus D. Leech"
> On 11/05/2020 06:42 PM, Lukas Haase via USRP-users wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I m studying:
> >
> > https://files.ettus.com/performance_data/ubx/UBX-without-UHD-corrections.pdf
> >
> > How exactly is "Gain" in the "RX Figures" defined? Can it be related to the
On 11/09/2020 05:29 PM, Lukas Haase via USRP-users wrote:
Yes, I am aware of that but my question related specifically to
because I want to sanity-check my measurements (and I want to know how
much off I am compared to
Hi Michael and Marcus,
Thank you both for your quick replies to my query.
Per your advice, I ran "make" followed by "sudo make install", and then
updated the PYTHONPATH variable.
My code now runs perfectly. What a relief!
Thanks again for your help.
Best Regards,
On Tue, Nov 10, 20
I need an output signal of ~32dBm (at 900 MHz).
I have a MiniCircuits ZHL-25W-272+ high power amplifier (25W).
The gain at 900 MHz is ~49.2.
I would also like to filter out harmonics (USRP as well as PA) with a
VLF-1000+; the max input power is 10W (40dBm), so more than what I want to
Hi Robert,
Also use the "-DENABLE_QT=True" flag to build gr-ettus.
On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 9:43 AM Robert Wilson
> Hi Jonathon,
> I’ve gone ahead and given that a shot. I received a different message now:
> File “.../RFNoC.py” , line 164, in_init_
> self.ettus_fosphor_disp
A limiter diode is often used in situations like this.
Sometimes a simple hardware solution is best—it relies only on semiconductor
physics and not correct software.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 9, 2020, at 9:40 PM, Lukas Haase via USRP-users
> wrote:
> I need an output signal of ~32dBm
Hi Marcus,
This is a great idea.
Unfortunately PIN diodes rarely exist as "coax" modules (but rather MMICs to be
integrated on a board).
The few coax modules I found from Mini-Circuits and RF-Lambda are for high
powers (>0dBm).
For me, the max. output would need to be ~ -16dBm.
Best regards,
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