[USRP-users] 12 bits I/Q samples

2020-01-21 Thread Arash Jafari via USRP-users
Hello Everybody, according to FPGA implementation of my board which a USRP-b200, the Least significant 4bits of I or Q samples are always 0 (0x???0), which in turn means the recorded sample as short complex 16 bits (sc16) cpu format should have four zero at LSB. But almost 10% of recorded samples

Re: [USRP-users] 12 bits I/Q samples

2020-01-21 Thread Varban Metodiev via USRP-users
Hi Arash, May you please provide some examples of what samples you've gathered? Thanks, Varban On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 12:07 PM Arash Jafari via USRP-users < usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote: > Hello Everybody, > > according to FPGA implementation of my board which a USRP-b200, the Least > sig

Re: [USRP-users] using GPIO output to trigger external RF switches

2020-01-21 Thread Thomas Harder via USRP-users
Thank you Jeff and Sam, I found now also the gpio.cpp example. Really helpful to get familiar with GPIO. >> To accomplish what you're talking about, I think you'd just need to use >> timed commands >>on both set_tx_rate() and set_gpio_attr(). If these are set >> to execute simultaneously, the >>

[USRP-users] Ethernet controller speed negotiation issue

2020-01-21 Thread voonna santosh via USRP-users
Hi There,   Following is the configuration followed by issue description. Have you experienced or someone reported similar issue in the past with X552 Ethernet controllers? Centos version: 7.7Ethernet controller: X552SFP adaptor: FTLX8571D3BCV-ITixgbe default version: 5.1.0Updated ixgbe driver t

[USRP-users] ettus usrp B200 driver - not working on linux ubuntu

2020-01-21 Thread Paweł Gocyla via USRP-users
Hello, I have a problem with ettus usrp B200 on linux ubuntu. I have made all steps regarding UHD and driver installation with this tutorial: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z015BIZSA2&l=pl-PL I turned on support for usb 3.0 in vmware settings. I installed intel drive

Re: [USRP-users] using GPIO output to trigger external RF switches

2020-01-21 Thread Sam Reiter via USRP-users
Thomas, I believe I mistyped in my initial response to specify a TX rate change rather than frequency change. It might be more clear if I include some quick pseudocode describing what I'm talking about: tune_time = usrp->get_time_now() + uhd::time_spect_t(0.1) //Set a > future time to execute

Re: [USRP-users] ettus usrp B200 driver - not working on linux ubuntu

2020-01-21 Thread Michael Dickens via USRP-users
Hi Paweł - I'd recommend using these install instructions < https://kb.ettus.com/Building_and_Installing_the_USRP_Open-Source_Toolchain_(UHD_and_GNU_Radio)_on_Linux >. Please note specifically the section for "Configuring USB". It sounds like you've done most of the work already; just a couple part

Re: [USRP-users] 12 bits I/Q samples

2020-01-21 Thread Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users
On 01/21/2020 05:06 AM, Arash Jafari via USRP-users wrote: Hello Everybody, according to FPGA implementation of my board which a USRP-b200, the Least significant 4bits of I or Q samples are always 0 (0x???0), which in turn means the recorded sample as short complex 16 bits (sc16) cpu format s

Re: [USRP-users] ettus usrp B200 driver - not working on linux ubuntu

2020-01-21 Thread Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users
On 01/21/2020 11:50 AM, Michael Dickens via USRP-users wrote: Hi Paweł - I'd recommend using these install instructions < https://kb.ettus.com/Building_and_Installing_the_USRP_Open-Source_Toolchain_(UHD_and_GNU_Radio)_on_Linux

[USRP-users] USRP B210 hardware architecture

2020-01-21 Thread massoud pourmandi via USRP-users
Dear colleagues, we have a USRP B210 in our lab, though, I have some questions regarding this device. First, I can’t find its hardware architecture? I would be glad if you send me its detailed information. I’m using *Gnuradio* as my simulation environment. In this simulator, when I connect a sig

Re: [USRP-users] USRP B210 hardware architecture

2020-01-21 Thread Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users
On 01/22/2020 01:53 AM, massoud pourmandi via USRP-users wrote: Dear colleagues, we have a USRP B210 in our lab, though, I have some questions regarding this device. First, I can’t find its hardware architecture? I would be glad if you send me its detailed information. I’m using *Gnuradio