Thanks for sharing. I did have a full duplex single channel working. This
started from a question of "can you run the exact same for a second channel
so we can compare performance of different antennas". The simple approach
I wanted for that was to just run two copies of the flowgraph. Based on
Hi Ben,
As I understand it, the UHD Source and Sink blocks must be in the same
flowgraph. Otherwise, after you start one flowgraph, the other will say
it can't find the device, or some similar error.
For how I solved the problem, see
On 03/25/2021 01:23 PM, Ben Magistro wrote:
This might be more of a GNURadio question, but is it possible to share
a single USRP device (E310 in this case) with two flowgraphs? What I
mean is the E310 has a "A" and "B" channel, could you use channel "A"
with one flowgraph and "B" with another