Hello Arun,
The gpio example is the first place to look for a reference.
A description of the GPIO header on the B20xmini can be found here
Hi Arun,
in the uhd/host/examples directory, you'll find gpio.cpp !
Note that you'll need to bitbang SPI that way from the host; that can
work, but it's going to be slow.
Alternatively, if you are familiar with FPGA development, implementing
another SPI host in the FPGA should be thoroughly
We brought B205mini recently and we want to use three GPIO to control some
external device which require SPI interface, in the schematics the header
mentioned is J5 for GPIO while website USRP Hardware Driver and USRP Manual:
USRP B2x0 Series is mentioning J6 as GPIO header. Can you please su