12.03.2019 o 17:49, Patscheider, Dominik via USRP-users pisze:
> Hello ,
> For a Radar I´m transmitting and receiving with the USRP X310 samples
> on different frequency steps.
> For instance, after 4 frames I´m coming back to the first center freq
Hello ,
For a Radar I´m transmitting and receiving with the USRP X310 samples on
different frequency steps.
For instance, after 4 frames I´m coming back to the first center freq and
continue this a few times. Hope the following description helps…
f3 |phase4| |…|
Hey everyone,
If I try to change the TX and RX frequency of the USRP X310 during sampling I
get the following error:
gr::log :WARN: gr uhd usrp source0 - USRP Source Block caught rx error code: 2
Changing the freq of one UHD (source or sink) with a message command in Python
(pmt.dict with a ti