Honestly, I have worked very little with gnuradio and do not quite
understand what it means to transfer a UHD USRP object. If it does not make
it difficult for you to show how it works, I will greatly appreciate it.
пт, 17 апр. 2020 г. в 21:27, Michael Dickens :
> Ohh ... nice! I didn't know gr-u
Ohh ... nice! I didn't know gr-uhd provided that interface! A quick search
shows it's in GR as of sometime in version 3.7 .. not sure how far back,
but certainly in the current release. Good to know!
Note that this gr-uhd GPIO API is available in Python (via SWIG) as well as
C++ ... BUT: it is not
The following link (GR documentation) shows some UHD GPIO functionality.
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 10:27 AM Michael Dickens via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
> Hi Ivan - I'm assuming you mean configure and con
Hello Jonathon
I have tried using the down sampler from synchronous labs, but encountered a
lot many errors while generating USRP image. I think I need to check and
understand the differences and implement those. Also is there some other way I
can achieve the divide the band without fractionall
Hello Snehasish,
Unfortunately, the standard library of blocks does not have a Fractional
Decimator. Your best bet is to try to use the one made by Synchronous Labs
a few years ago. Their code is on github here:
https://github.com/SynchronousLabs/rfnoc-SynchronousLabs. Since it was
built, RFNoC ha
Hi Ivan - I'm assuming you mean configure and control a USRP's GPIO via UHD
in GNU Radio?
In theory this should be possible, at least in C++ and of course it
requires that the specific USRP have GPIO ...
I'm not sure if there's a Python GPIO API as of UHD 3.15, but if there is
then that method sh
Hello. Please tell me if it is possible to configure GPIO using gnuradio. I
want to use RFNOC blocks and switch an external device using GPIO
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