Le 09/04/2018 à 23:20, Martin Braun via USRP-users a écrit :
> On 04/09/2018 07:35 AM, Matis Alun via USRP-users wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I saw that a /tmp/uhd.log is created when running a sampling program and it
>> is becoming
>> very large
>> if the program runs during a long time.
>> How
On 04/09/2018 07:35 AM, Matis Alun via USRP-users wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I saw that a /tmp/uhd.log is created when running a sampling program and it
> is becoming
> very large
> if the program runs during a long time.
> How can we disable the logging messages ?
> I tried to set the environ
Hi everybody,
I saw that a /tmp/uhd.log is created when running a sampling program and it is
very large
if the program runs during a long time.
How can we disable the logging messages ?
I tried to set the environment variable UHD_LOG_LEVEL or the pre-processor
Does anybody know whether the (still unannounced) E320 will have SMA or
SMB connectors?
With best regards,
Martin Dudok van Heel
Olifantasia.com signal processing solutions
USRP-users mailing list
Hi Jonathon,
It seems that the UHD_LOG_LEVEL environment variable has no effect on the
generated uhd.log.
Here are, as attached file, the last lines of my uhd.log before the traceback:
RuntimeError: EnvironmentError: IOError: [0/Radio_0] sr_write() failed:
IOError: Block ctrl
Hi everyone,
I tried to build the USRP B210 FPGA for Xilinx ISE 14.7 (Windows) and I got
this in my cmd prompt:
C:\Users\WORK\Desktop\fpga-maint\usrp3\top\b200>make B210 PROJECT_ONLY=1
"ISE Version: Release 14.7 - xtclsh P.20131013 (nt64)"
make -f Makefile.b200.inc proj NAME=B210 DEVICE=XC6SLX15