"params": {"fl": ["field4", "field5", "field6"]}
In this case I see fields 4, 5, and 6 in the result, but this means that I
cannot use the "fields" parameter in the JSON Request API.
I have also tried changing the request handler to:
but this does not work.
Is this a known bug?
Many thanks,
-Andrew Hankinson
You could use the UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory to automatically add a UUID to
each document and use that as the tie-breaker field.
The chances of collision of UUIDs is well-known, and highly unlikely.
I am using the JSON Query API, and the 'fields' key does not work as expected.
Using the following query with the `post` tool:
$> echo '{"query":"*:*", "fields": ["id"]}' | ./post -url
http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/select -type application/json -out yes -d
I get the full document ba
> On 7 Jan 2022, at 12:55, Mikhail Khludnev wrote:
> Hello, Andrew.
> Could you try to pass a string value for "fields" property? That's what I
> see in TestJsonRequest.
> On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 1:03 PM Andrew Hankinson
> wrote:
ust the `id` and `type` fields.
I'm on 8.11.1
> On 7 Jan 2022, at 12:55, Mikhail Khludnev wrote:
> Hello, Andrew.
> Could you try to pass a string value for "fields" property? That's what I
> see in TestJsonRequest.
> On Fri, Jan 7, 2022
You can use the ICU Collation Field instead of string:
This sorts numbers and letters correctly, as well as does Unicode folding, so
1,2,3...10...20, instead of 1,10...2,20...,3, and folds the characters so that
ä,á, etc. are sorted as "a".
I use this field definition for a sort field:
This seems to work well.
> On 10 Nov 2022, at 11:06, Netta Steinberg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to sort value alphabetically, but also numerically.
> Example:
> I want that the following items
> A1
> B4
> A2
> A19
> B10
> Will be s
Hi everyone,
I've looked through the Jira boards but I couldn't see any mention of this as
an issue.
Since upgrading to Solr 9.3.0, my JSON query results in the built-in query UI
seem to be lacking indents, so that everything is left-aligned. I've tried
different browsers, and have cleared ca
I have a schema with a UUID field type configured as a unique key.
I recently upgraded my Solr installation to 9.3 (from 7.6) and my application
stopped working. It turns out that Solr has stopped encoding UUIDs as strings
in the JSON response writer.
Whereas before I would get:
s it "SolrCloud"? is it /get or /select
> ? etc.
>> On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 12:05 AM Andrew Hankinson
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a schema with a UUID field type configured as a unique key.
>> > multiValued=&
Hi everyone,
I just installed 9.7.0 and thought I would try the new multiThreaded search.
When I do, running my 'normal' queries but with the `multiThreaded=true`
parameter set, this error appears in the logs:
2024-09-10 16:19:45.060 ERROR (qtp1756573246-62-null-37) [c: s: r: x:core-name
You're not actually POSTing the data.
The requests module is a lot easier than using the urllib module.
r = requests.post('http://localhost:8983/solr/films/query',
This should set all the appropriate headers as w
12 matches
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