RE: Collection API Delete Fails solr 8.11.3 on AKS

2024-10-29 Thread Steffen Moldenhauer
I re-tried it with solr 8.11.4, but got the same error - I worked around it by replacing the /server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-2.11.0.jar with commons-io-2.17.0.jar. Regards Steffen > -Original Message- > From: Steffen Moldenhauer > Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2024 9:29 AM

For Solr cloud - Suggeter component returns duplicate suggestions

2024-10-29 Thread jagdish vasani
Hi All, Recently I am working on a project to migrate standalone solr to solr cloud, I am facing one issue for suggester component, for some query it returns duplicate suggestions, that having same weight. When I fire query on single shard it returns perfect,but suggestions are from that shard o

Re: Configuring files Solr for use with Data import handler

2024-10-29 Thread Gus Heck
The data import handler is no-longer part of solr, so you may wish to also ask questions on their discussion boards: Data Import Handler is a reasonable tool for indexing small, uncomplicated databases, but does not scale very well as sy

Configuring files Solr for use with Data import handler

2024-10-29 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Hi: I'm new to the list and with Apache Solr. I'm trying version 9.7.0 on Linux Ubuntu 2204 and I want to index multiple pdf files to analyze them with tika. I've created a CORE from the solr admin panel at the following path: * "/home/myuser/APPS/solr-9.7.0/server/solr/configsets/CORE" The

RE: Fresh Installation with Status and Access Issues

2024-10-29 Thread Scott Hollenbeck
Thanks for that reminder - I now have access! I'm still not sure of what's going on with iptables, though. I added an ACCEPT rule for traffic from my remote machine to the beginning of the chain, and that got rid of the blocking problem. I'll finish debugging that later with TRACE rules. Scott -