importing a download

2016-03-29 Thread Peter
Unable to import a down load. Example we downloaded our tax data from turbo tax and when it asks to save file we do. Then when we want to run it, it asks us to install open office 4.0.0. It doesn't recognize 4.2 and it continues to ask the same deal. we have removed 4.2 and installed 4.0.0 and

Change of background color

2019-10-21 Thread Peter
I would like to change the background color but don’t see how Tx Peter de Auer Sent from Mail for Windows 10

RE: Change of background color

2019-10-21 Thread Peter
All Open Text items, including Text and Spreadsheets the two I use most frequently. The background is now Black Tx Peter Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Steven Ahlers Sent: October 21, 2019 10:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: Re: Change of

RE: Change of background color

2019-10-21 Thread Peter
Tx that worked Peter Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Rory O'Farrell Sent: October 21, 2019 5:15 PM To: Cc: Chuck Spalding; Peter Subject: Re: Change of background color On Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:36:12 -0700 Chuck Spalding wrote: > You can change the ba

Re: Password reset problem

2020-06-11 Thread Peter
Hi *Chokri,* *we need your username as additional Information.* *Thanks* * * *All the Best* *Peter * Am 10.06.20 um 23:35 schrieb hamouda chokri: Dear I'm unable to reset my password My email is <> image.png --

Re: In Calc, can the horizontal and vertical scroll sections be enlarged?

2020-06-12 Thread Peter
. If you do not mind a bug report would be nice. And if you could add the bug to would be super cool. It would help me to remeber, to check the implementation on tabs in calc. All the best Peter Am 12.06.20 um 17:05 schrieb Kay Schenk

Re: HOw do I number pages of documents?

2020-06-12 Thread Peter this wiki article should help you out. all the best peter Am 13.06.20 um 07:24 schrieb PETER LOVE: Hello: I'm using version 4.1.17 probably the latest version of open office, but don&#x

Re: Cancel membership

2020-06-22 Thread Peter
The project allows that the software is sold under certain conditions. For example if the reseller provides Media. Please, check how OpenOffice has been obtained. In case of downloads and no additional Service offers send a notification to the PMC ( and send all t

Re: problem

2020-06-23 Thread Peter
Hi Barry I am not aware that we have such a service. Can you please send the link to the login page? Thanks! All the Best Peter Am 23.06.20 um 20:35 schrieb Barry Truman: I had a free Open Office account in which I kept my documents in their most current form.Recently, I just get a login

Re: Fwd: Missing verification email

2020-06-26 Thread Peter
should discuss this on dev. All the best Peter Am 26.06.20 um 14:43 schrieb Hagar Delest: Hi Peter, Thanks for that. However, the actual forum admin mail is: Can you tell where you found the other one ( I've searched the forum

OpenOffice Writer — Print failure

2022-05-19 Thread Peter
preview shows the page followed by the comments, but the do not print. Peter OpenOffice 4.1.12 Mac OS 12.3.1 (21E258) Peter Crownfield Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For

Cannot Install OpenOffice v 4.1.1 on Linux

2014-10-19 Thread Peter
Cannot Install OpenOffice v4.1.1 Used your extensive (but not detailed enough for 80 year old enthusiasts!!) help pages. Am using Linux Am using kubuntu 14.04 (now LTS version) - Desktop version Terminal: bumpy@bumpyputer:~$ whereis soffice soffice: /usr/bin/s


2015-01-27 Thread peter
Sent from Windows Mail From: Peter Hartt Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎27‎ ‎January‎ ‎2015 ‎19‎:‎41 To: I downloaded open office last week. It had attached a trogen virus. In the end the only way to get rid of it was to return the laptop to factory standard. I


2015-01-27 Thread peter
I downloaded from From: James Knott Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎27‎ ‎January‎ ‎2015 ‎20‎:‎03 To:, Peter Hartt On 01/27/2015 02:52 PM, wrote: > I downloaded open office last week. It had attached a trogen virus. In the > e

Re: Re:

2015-01-27 Thread peter
No it wasn't detected by MacAfee . It was the first thing down loaded to a new laptop.  Original message From: James Knott Date:27/01/2015 8:32 PM (GMT+00:00) To:, Cc: Subject: Re: Re: On 01/27/2015 03:07 PM, pe...@wasp

vba code laten werken in calc

2015-04-16 Thread Peter
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Copy Test = "/home/peter/Documenten/Jacht/Jachtdag " & Range("b1").Value & (" - ") & Format(Range("r2"), "dd mm yy ") & ("- ") & Range("d2") & ".xlsm" activesheet.Name

Please Help

2016-01-11 Thread Peter Koch
I am trying to generate random numbers without duplicate numbers being generated. Can you help me with a formula. I am using the numbers 1 through 69. Thank you for your support. Pete Sent from Mail for Windows 10.

Open Office 4.1.3 - big problem

2017-02-15 Thread Peter May
realise my explanations are a bit sketchy, but can anyone suggest what might be the cause of this. A week ago it was working OK. kind regards Peter May

Using OpenOffice 4.1.3 on Windows 7 64 Bit

2017-02-15 Thread Peter May
and how I can overcome it? Peter

can't find English Language Pack

2017-02-24 Thread Peter Tomaszewski
(UK) Language Pack./ Does it exist as extension ? If yes where to llok for and how to add to Writer ? Kind regerds, Peter

Re: can't find English Language Pack

2017-02-25 Thread Peter Tomaszewski
Hi Dave. Thank you for your advice. I did it and it works. Have a nice weekend. Peter Tomaszewski Luxembourg Am 25.02.2017 um 04:29 schrieb Dave: Original Message From: Peter Tomaszewski To: Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 00:02:53 +0100 Hi, '

Android 6

2017-07-02 Thread PETER SMITH
/cent , I get a "something went wrong" message. I uninstalled and tried again- same problem. Also, since the file contains all my passwords etc. I can't send to you to have a go. Ideas ,please. Peter

Re: Android 6

2017-07-03 Thread PETER SMITH
Hi -thanks for the reply. I find that Openoffice reader works fine with other sheets- Just the important one doesn't seem to open. So, something in the way my desktop files it must be the problem Regards Peter On 3 July 2017 at 16:24, Anders Stenström wrote: > Den 2/7 2017 kl. 20:1

Re: Windows 10 won't install Open Office

2017-07-04 Thread Peter kovacs
Hi all, Please help the person below. Thanks! All the best Peter Am 5. Juli 2017 06:48:44 MESZ schrieb Donald Thomas : >I downloaded directly from your website, but Windows says it failed >verification.  Do you know any way around this? >D


2017-09-20 Thread Peter Dutton
I’ve just installed this software and it looks great. The installation files are on my desktop (the default setting) but now it’s installed can I delete this from the desktop or does it need to remain there for the software to work? Hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Peter Peter Dutton, 37

Bug Report

2017-11-15 Thread Peter Dawson
avoid this in the future that would be greatly appreciated because it has given me serious reservations about my continued use of the product. Thank you, Peter Dawson Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

Re: Printing Envelopes, Sent, Friday. 2-9-18.

2018-02-09 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi OpenOffice User List, I pass this request to you. If there are problems that we have to solve by coding, please send us a note to the dev list or open a bug. Thanks for your continous effort to help users! All the Best Peter On 09.02.2018 16:29, Ddardanell wrote: Hi, I just bought

Fwd: Travel Assistance applications open. Please inform your communities

2018-02-18 Thread Peter kovacs
Hello all, Sorry for the delay. I forward to a message received from TAC: The Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) are pleased to announce that travel assistance applications for ApacheCon NA 2018 are now open! We will be supporting ApacheCon NA Montreal, Canada on 24th - 29th September 2018 TAC

Problem with opening office

2018-03-05 Thread Peter Johnston
The program cannot be started. A general error occurred while accessing your central configuration. What?? Please help. Peter. Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Download of 4.1.5

2018-03-19 Thread peter maby
During download message reads ” Unknown error caused download to crash when Open Office is next opened error will be automatically corrected”. Attempts to restart download are unsuccessful and I cannot print documents. Help please . Sent from Mail for Windows 10

creating a spreadsheet (was: new cool feature)

2018-08-15 Thread Peter Kovacs
work ... :S HTH Peter On 8/16/18 5:59 AM, Archie Dyno Wizard wrote: Dear developers! I'm beginning my experience with OpenOffice Calc, and I'm finding a few ugly bugs. First I think I'm too stupid, but then I realize it is a bug that doesn't depend on my knowledge.

Re: OO & Mojave issue?

2018-11-01 Thread Peter Kovacs
Looping in Users. OpenOffice on Mac can react wired when the scrolling is setup do not match. I returned to Linux so I forgot where the settings has to be set and how.Maybe someone on users can help? I think it was not scrolling line by line, or something similar. All the Best Peter On

Re: OO & Mojave issue?

2018-11-01 Thread Peter Kovacs
FYI: my mailing service refuses to sent to Michael turner, because his mailing service does not support TLS. On 01.11.18 12:38, Peter Kovacs wrote: > Looping in Users. > > OpenOffice on Mac can react wired when the scrolling is setup do not > match. I returned to Linux so I forg

[discussion] get rid of NOT_AN_OOO_ISSUE

2018-12-29 Thread Peter Kovacs
ke to have FIXED by workaround or something similar. can you take some time and write your opinion? -would you like to help? Thanks All the Best Peter - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For

Downloading problem

2019-01-10 Thread Peter Harris
What am I doing wrong? Thank you, * Peter Harris Home Inspections* * AHIT and NACHI Certified* *Certification # N-17061012* * "Buy Your Home With Confidence"* *Serving all of Northeast Georgia* Cell: 770-519-0767

Re: Downloading problem

2019-01-11 Thread Peter Harris
Dave, I must say that I am surprised someone actually replied to my email. I have followed your instructions to the tee and I still get the Note format and not the .ott. I even tried to reboot to see if that made a difference. Any other suggestions? Thank you, * Peter Harris Home Inspections

Re: Cannot install!

2019-03-03 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Users Mailinglist, does anyone know what R Washington is referencing to? Can someone help? Thanks. All the Best Peter On 02.03.19 20:11, R Washington wrote: > Error 1305. Can you help? > > Sent from Mail for W

OpenOffice Track on Apache Roadshow EU in Berlin

2019-03-24 Thread Peter Kovacs
talk this year or you are available as Coordinator chair. All the Best Peter - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [macsupport] macOS X 10.15 Catalina - Notarization

2019-10-06 Thread Peter Kovacs
Do you have XCode 10? Maybe we could bring 4.1.7 through the notification. And if we hurry maybe we can bring 4.1.8. also through. Not sure throught. I am already looking into alternatives. All the Best Peter On 06.10.19 18:16, Dave Fisher wrote: > Forwarding to the dev list for pro

Need help in foreign language (Cambodia)

2019-12-21 Thread Peter Kovacs
handle the gatekeeper. I already posted the link to the English forum with the article. (we had a wiki article somewhere but I could not find it) Thanks All the best Peter

Re: Need help in foreign language (Cambodia)

2019-12-22 Thread Peter Kovacs
Thanks for the link and the Google translation. This did help me, I have posted an answer. Let's hope it helps him to solve his issue. It is sometimes difficult if we are not able to translate. All the best Peter Am 22. Dezember 2019 01:08:13 MEZ schrieb David Belina : >the Khimer tra

Re: Win 10 and AOO

2019-12-30 Thread Peter Kovacs
whish you had a good merry Christmas, and hope you will have a nice start into 2020. All the best Peter Am 30. Dezember 2019 23:22:02 MEZ schrieb CHM : >I have Win 10 >I'm not a robot >I'm not a nerd >I'm completely lost in fixing my AOO so I can use it once again.

Re: Update failures

2020-01-02 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello, that the updater gives an update error is a known issue. A possible fix has been discussed, but not executed. If the plan works out and our analysis are correct the fix has to be done on the server which offers the updates. Todo is on dev side. Hth Peter Am 1. Januar 2020 19:46:52 MEZ

Re: Tutorial

2020-01-08 Thread Peter Kovacs
There is a complete tutorial section on forum.Openoffice.Org under board index > getting started > tutorials Did you check it out? What kind of tutorial are you looking at. I am sure you can find plenty on YouTube too. Am 8. Januar 2020 23:28:28 MEZ schrieb Alain Gronner : >Although many feat

Re: Using Apache Open Office as an assistant to my industry.

2020-01-12 Thread Peter Kovacs
answer expresses my personal opinion and is not an answer from the Project Management Committee. ([3] will provide Information how to contact.) All the Best Peter [1] [2] [3]

Re: Windows 10 version 1903

2020-01-20 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi, I am not able to find any issues to 1903 related to OpenOffice. Can you please link them in a new topic? I would like to check if we need to fix something. What I could find out 1903 is a functional update and not a security one. However Sally will not have to fear much. Your files are inde

Re: mac computer

2020-01-20 Thread Peter Kovacs
4.1.7 is the newest release for mac and it is 64 Bit. Please read the release notes Carefully: On 20.01.20 14:33, Marv Hachmeister wrote: > what is the correct version for mac with Catalina need 64 bit version ???

Re: Sharing Excel

2020-01-23 Thread Peter Kovacs
Did you do the following? 1. send unsubscribe message. 2. system will answer with a mail. 3. answer the mail. IMPORTANT: sender has to be the subscribed address. 4. now the bot will confirm that you are unsubscribed Am 24.01.20 um 05:49 schrieb Mord.Sith Jenn: I have unsubscribe 25 damn tim

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi, this has been send to users. Is this a good move? Shouldn't it go to @dev or @sysadmin? The contact link on the bottom names @users. All the Best Peter On 03.02.20 14:29, Richard wrote: > >

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Kovacs
uld have been better to have gone to @dev or > @sysadmin, but the message was moderated through to @users from a > non-subscribed poster. > > On 03/02/2020 17:57, Peter Kovacs wrote: >> Hi, >> >> this has been send to users. Is this a good move? >> >> Sh

Re: Hang in 3rd file saving

2020-02-03 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Mr Chong, Can you provide more Information on your Issue? How big are the files in MB? On which Hardware do you run the software. How Many documents do you open in Parallel? Thanks All the best Peter On 03.02.20 02:12, Eddy Chong wrote: > Dear Sir / Madam, > > I am using Op

Re: Open office too many icons

2020-02-09 Thread Peter Kovacs
select what I want to do. Please note that all applications are different with a different purpose. I have no Idea what your 9th Icon is, maybe Uninstall? Maybe you could add what do you expect, when Installing the OpenOffice Productivity suite. All the Best Peter On 08.02.20 14:56, Dave

Re: nice if you could make a Mail app to iOS connected to word open office?

2020-02-11 Thread Peter Kovacs
What do you mean? Can you maybe rephrase maybe, starting with I as a user want to ... Am 11.02.20 um 08:50 schrieb aleksander kolås: nice if you could make a Mail app to iOS connected to word open office? vat Aleksander Kolås -

Re: Open Office calculator

2020-02-13 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi Jon, Have you tried to use the "save as" option? If that is working for some reason your file probably has a copy protection activated. HTH Peter Am 13.02.20 um 19:53 schrieb RJ: Hello, I have been using Open Office calculator without problems for quite a long time

Re: Found an issue in left indent in OpenOffice Writer

2020-02-17 Thread Peter Kovacs
Peter Am 17.02.20 um 08:40 schrieb Binny James: Hi all, Thank you for your quick responses. What I asked is about a scenario, but got colorful responses, hahaha. I have Microsoft Word as well in one of my PCs, found they don't allow left indent once it reach the home place of a line. But he

Re: Installation Problems.

2020-02-24 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi, do you have the CD with OpenOffice Version 3.2? All the Best Peter Am 24.02.20 um 20:30 schrieb Gilbert Gabrielsen: I am a long time user of Open Office. I recently tried to install ver. 4.1.7. I had some problems so I decided to remove the old version and install the newer one. Every


2020-03-05 Thread Peter Kovacs
You probably want to read this page: All the Best Peter Am 05.03.20 um 21:37 schrieb John Clipper: Apache too big to have a help line? I have a spreadsheet - 8 columns. All cols contain data

Re: problemi

2020-03-09 Thread Peter Kovacs
mp;t=94800 original: sorry I do not speak itallian. 1) Mark your text and press Ctrl+B this should format the text in a block. I assume this is what you want. 2) please reset the user Profile: All the best Peter Am 07.

Re: Your product is the worst ever. Twice already, you cut out and lost my book that took me hours to upload. I will be on facebook making sure everyone on my friends list, almost 5,000 people, know a

2020-03-19 Thread Peter Kovacs
Yes, please explain more in detail what you are doing. OpenOffice is a community Product. It is made and supported by community. People like you. We do not cut out on our own. Maybe we have an idea to help you. Just take a moment and tell us. We are here to help. All the best. Peter Am

Re: Your product is the worst ever. Twice already, you cut out and lost my book that took me hours to upload. I will be on facebook making sure everyone on my friends list, almost 5,000 people, know a

2020-03-19 Thread Peter Kovacs
Please be friendly. You should know how frustrating it can be if the computer does something and it is not what you want. We have learned to deal with it, others hit their personal limits. If I talk to my dad, he does not understand how a smartphone works. It is impossible for him to accept ca

Re: Migrating from MSO

2020-03-22 Thread Peter Kovacs
OpenOffice does currently have Issues with complex docx, xlsx, pptx documents. For better migration results you need to save documents in doc, xls or rtf formats. If you need modern Document File support you might want to look at other alternative Office Products. Am 22.03.20 um 05:50 sch

Re: Openoffice 4.1.7

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Kovacs
(ressource english): Beste Grüße Peter --- English: I agree with Andrea. There is a strong german community, please use the german offering if you want to speak german

Re: Recordar ID de openoffice

2020-03-29 Thread Peter Kovacs
e) All the Best Peter b) get in contact where you got openoffice from with your issue. Am 28.03.20 um 19:42 schrieb Jose Francisco Lario Pozo: Saludos. Les agradecería que ayudaran a recuperar mi nombre de usuario y mi c

Re: How to open docs

2020-04-04 Thread Peter Kovacs
The special Star Office Format has been removed. sxw document filter does still exist in 4.1.7 Am 05.04.20 um 03:29 schrieb Dan Lewis: Tony is not subscribed to this mailing list, so I have sent him a Cc so he can see what Julian wrote. Is it possible that  these documents are .sxw files? Or

Re: aangepaste installatie openoffice

2020-04-08 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi Jaimie, vertalen met door David Dit is een Engelstalige mailinglijst - misschien wilt u uw vraag in die taal stellen. Merk op dat de mailinglijst bijlagen en afbeeldingen bevat. my answer in english: Base needs to have Java (installed. For Windows systems we need a 32 bit Java.

Re: Archive download failure

2020-04-10 Thread Peter Kovacs
for curiosity. I can not resist the advertisement for it. I am Sorry. All the Best Peter [1] Am 11.04.20 um 04:34 schrieb Dan Lewis: I recommend using the above link. This page has the version you are looking for. Dan

Re: Calc: How to graph polynomial trend line like Excel?

2020-04-13 Thread Peter Kovacs
Which Version do you use? In 4.1.7 you can 1) select the Dots you want to add a trendline to. 2) right click 3) in the Menue select the trend line 4) select the Formula you want to add 5) if you click again, you can add the trendline formula to the trendline. I hope this helps. Am 13.04.

Re: Calc: How to graph polynomial trend line like Excel?

2020-04-14 Thread Peter Kovacs
too. And only then you see the trend line in the Menu. By now I found the wiki article too: Hope that clarifies. Best Peter Am 13.04.20 um 22:58 schrieb Mike Schleif: Peter, This does not work for me

Re: It Is Time for Me to Generate an Updated Telephone-Addressbook

2020-04-18 Thread Peter Kovacs
Best Peter Am 17.04.20 um 22:34 schrieb Vince@GMAIL: Hi: I am staying at home and have time on my hands, so I think this might be a good time to generate an updated telephone/address book in a PC format. Can anyone suggest a "relatively" simple database template for tracking Nam

Re: Maintainer of danish spellchecker

2020-04-21 Thread Peter Kovacs
the Best Peter Am 21.04.20 um 10:58 schrieb Jeppe Bundsgaard: Hi, I got a bounce back on the e-mail I sent to the mail address on the page below. Maybe I have better luck here? I saw at this page,

Re: Probloms

2020-04-22 Thread Peter Kovacs
Best Peter Am 22.04.20 um 07:22 schrieb Sivan Assayag: Dear Sir/Madam, I  work with both Hebrew and English (mostly English) and experience a lot of probloms alining English texts to the left. I attached a screenshot of a document where you can see how I alined that the  the left (I drew two

Re: Probloms

2020-04-22 Thread Peter Kovacs
was not able to google one. All the Best Peter Am 22.04.20 um 10:57 schrieb Sivan Assayag: I'm realy not good in computers and English isn't my first language so is it possible for you to write me which part of your reply refer to which of my questions? Thanks, Sivan בתאריך

Re: Auto Updates

2020-04-22 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi Richard, In the Menue extras -> Preferences you open the cofiguration winodw for OpenOffice. Then in the section OpenOffice -> onlineUpdates you can uncheck the notifcation. All the Best Peter Am 23.04.20 um 00:42 schrieb Ric Bailey: Hi Friends. I need to know how to stop g

Re: Error Creating Object

2020-04-24 Thread Peter Kovacs
I have no Idea. Do other save locations work? Am 24.04.20 um 17:13 schrieb WA.TWORSX via AOL: AOO 4.1.5; Windows 10 x64 Home on DELL desktop. I have a Calc file opened, and have made some revisions. Everything appears to still be active/working as expected, including auto saves flashings. H

Re: doc vs docx

2020-04-27 Thread Peter Kovacs
On the development list, we discuss modern MS Office Formats from time to time. And we have multiple Ideas on how we could improve the issue. But currently the Discussions are maybe more a bundle of Ideas then a real plan. I believe this topic will get more attention after we have finally mana

Re: Numbers automatically advance in spreadsheet columns

2020-04-27 Thread Peter Kovacs
1) Mark the Cell 2) Right Klick -> select copy 3) select first Cell of your row. (i.e. the cell below) 4) Press shift And mark the last cell -> you now see the rows that you target marked. 5) right click select copy. Am 27.04.20 um 19:08 schrieb David Deeks: I have been an Open Office use

Re: doc vs docx

2020-04-28 Thread Peter Kovacs
Imho you have a wide choice on Tools, if you need MS Support: # WPS Office # Free Office (Free Variant of Softmaker Office) # G Suite from Google # Neo Office # iWorks (Mac only) The Market is rich on Solutions

Re: Difficulty to control printing of a Calc file

2020-04-30 Thread Peter Kovacs
you can check this How To: All the Best Peter Am 30.04.20 um 17:58 schrieb WA.TWORSX via AOL: AOO415m1(Build:9789) -  Rev. 18174962017-12-11 17:25 win10x64 home desktop

Re: Optimum Row Height-Default

2020-05-05 Thread Peter Kovacs
l not work as you might expect. If you want to change the default distance you have to adjust the default style and save the document as your default template. HTH Peter - To unsubscribe, e-mail: user

Re: openoffice

2020-05-05 Thread Peter Kovacs
Requirement for OpenOffice are AFAIK: OS X * OS X 10.7 (Lion) or higher * Intel Processor * Free memory of 512 MB RAM * 400 MB available disk space * 1024 x 768 pixel or higher resolution with 16.7 million colors Am 05.05.20 um 17:53 schrieb Marco Destro: goodmornig i’ve a littl

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-05-09 Thread Peter Kovacs
Bonjour, I am sorry my french is horrible. i am also sorry for sending a mail that has not been ment for you. I just realized that I had a mail mismatch. The Documentation we have you can read at [1] The base is a normal Database Frontend, which designed to support for "simple" database m

Re: Java Version

2020-05-19 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hi Vince, there should be no issue in having a 32  bit version and a 64 bit version on disk. LibreOffice and OpenOffice can coop very well next to each other. If you get issue let us know. All the Best Peter Am 19.05.20 um 20:17 schrieb Vince@GMAIL: Hello Group: My Windows 10 Home is


2020-05-26 Thread Peter Kovacs
The users mailing list send to all who are subscribed. So you receive all mails send to the list. Am 27. Mai 2020 07:34:12 MESZ schrieb Haim Giloh : > Hello, please be aware: this mail has been *sent erroneously to me*, >instead of to the person who has submitted the question. >To a number of

Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Haim Giloh, Why do you think I have send the mail to you? The address is Do you know what the technology "Mailing List" does? All the best Peter Am 27.05.20 um 07:53 schrieb Haim Giloh: Hello, please be aware: this mail has been *sent erro

Re: crash

2020-06-01 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Giulio, sorry for the late answer. Can you providfe more details? Operating System, maybe on Windows MS Patches? What you can try out of the blue is resetting your profile. HTH Peter Am 29.05.20 um 17:25 schrieb Giulio

Re: Query

2020-06-01 Thread Peter Kovacs
Hello Ann, sorry for the late answer. This is an information from the Gate keeper of Apple. Please see our Release Notes: For macOS users * Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 will be flagged by the Gatekeeper facility


2020-06-06 Thread Peter Kovacs
Maybe you want to read how it is done at Am 06.06.20 um 19:52 schrieb B Sasz: · Section "4) Verify With": Paste the hash from the SHA256 / MD5 file you have downloaded. First you have to open it and

Re: Text/background colours on spreadsheet

2020-06-10 Thread Peter Kovacs
You could copy the format from and existing cell. Just select the cell you want to copy from. Then select the brush from the toolbar. Then select the target cell you want to copy to. Am 10. Juni 2020 12:35:19 MESZ schrieb David Deeks : >Hi all > >I am editing a previously created spreadsheet that

Re: In Calc, can the horizontal and vertical scroll sections be enlarged?

2020-06-11 Thread Peter Kovacs
the Best Peter Am 11.06.20 um 23:21 schrieb Kay Schenk: Thanks for the tip, and my apologizes for the bad syntax of my first message. -- "Don't let anyone dull your sparkle." __ Kay On 6/11/20 1:00 PM, Brian Barker wrote: At 12:08 11/06/2020 -0700, Kay Schenk wrote:

HOw do I number pages of documents?

2020-06-12 Thread PETER LOVE
Hello: I'm using version 4.1.17 probably the latest version of open office, but don't know how to number pages of a play I'm writing. How do I do that? Thank you. Peter Love

Fwd: Missing verification email

2020-06-25 Thread Peter Kovacs
Forwarding email to the admin list. Weitergeleitete Nachricht Betreff:Missing verification email Datum: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 19:03:44 + Von:John Pojman Antwort an: An: I’m trying to register as j

Re: Microsoft hack

2020-08-02 Thread Peter Kovacs
Am 02.08.20 um 10:59 schrieb Laurence Petch: Just had wi-fi fitted to housing hooked up okay next day took 2 hours to open laptop then found all open office docs had windows icons. Edit has been. changed and in edit paint cannot cut & paste. I am not sure, but sounds like your computer has lo

help! I'm having rather serious issues with things such as 'line spacing' , 'fonts' and such ....

2020-08-17 Thread PETER LOVE
Dear 'users' @ Open Office: I'm using Open Office version 4.17 but having trouble locating 'fonts' and 'line spacing' and small things like that for shaping up my documents. How do I do these things? Please inform, or help. Thank you. Peter Love

Re: numbering book pages?

2020-08-24 Thread Peter Kovacs
This page here should give you a lead. Am 24. August 2020 05:02:22 MESZ schrieb Michael Coughlin : >Open Office people: > >I am trying to design a 100-page book using Open Office 4.1.6 > >For three d

Re: cant request new password

2020-08-30 Thread Peter Kovacs
wrong. Best is always to pass a URL and login and email address you use. In order to resolve the issue / gain controll. All the best Peter Am 27.08.20 um 13:10 schrieb Office User: Original Message From: 王蕾 [] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020, 10:41

Re: please help

2020-10-15 Thread Peter Kovacs
Am 15.10.20 um 20:55 schrieb Edward Miller: I created a document in Open Office. Then I cut and pasted a Zoom website (info for a meeting) into the document and saved it. However, I cannot get to the website from the document. Why not? Maybe this helps: The standard (default) behavior fo

Re: Complaint: "buggy implementations"

2020-10-25 Thread Peter Kovacs
s not a ranking for a fix ;) Everything helps, even if there are only people giving feedback by updating the bugs. Just be nice when you do. The Software Product is on community support. All the best Peter - To unsubscri

Re: Problems saving

2020-11-08 Thread Peter Kovacs
Am 08.11.20 um 14:50 schrieb Martin Groenescheij: On 08/11/2020 14:01, Michel Pelland wrote: Thank you. When I wrote this email, I thought I was writing to the developper. Do you have their address? you wrote to user support the email the dev uses: Check the

Re: Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

2020-12-13 Thread Peter Kovacs
I try to take care. A solution in future could be to forward these to the german user list? I think (sorry I am a bit lazy to look it up)? On 13.12.20 17:04, Moderator wrote: This message from an elderly German speaking gentleman posted to the developer list and was rejected by anoth

Re: Fwd: Windows 10 mit OpenOffice 4.1.8

2020-12-14 Thread Peter Kovacs
In the end, all he needed was the download link. Now everything seems to be in shape. On 13.12.20 19:29, Moderator wrote: Thanks Peter. I have only been a moderator for AOO since 2010, so my first move was to forward the non-subscribed user to: which returned the error: "Host or domain

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