Re: Question about Calc

2017-08-27 Thread Joost Andrae
Hello Herbert, select a cell range (all the cells you want to have within your chart) containing some data (including textual headers of the columns and rows, like within the example below) Apples Bananas Monday 1,00 € 2,00 € Tuesday 4,00 € 4,00 € Wednesday

Re: Font support

2018-01-07 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Bill, if your system does support Persian input and if it supports Persian fonts then you might want to configure Complex Text Layout in menu item /Tools/Config/Language Support/Languages If you activate the checkbox within this dialog for CTL then you can select Persian language support.

Re: Is there a way to change the assigned attributes when using Find & Replace function in AOO-Calc Spreadsheets?

2019-03-14 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, if you format cells using a cell formating template (function key F11) then you can easily change this cell formating by changing the cell formating template (eg. by adding background color red to this template). If you change this template then all cells where you assinged the template to

Re: Spreadsheet

2020-03-21 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Gerry, you can work wit cell templates. Therefor open the template dialog by using function key F11 and create a new one by pressing the right mouse button ontop of this dialog. Then select the "New" link. Hint: Assinging a name to this template helps... The function you want to use then

Re: ASCll Filter Options

2020-04-20 Thread Joost Andrae
Hello, OpenOffice does not import PDF documents. It only exports files into PDF format. If you want to import PDF files then you might want to add a PDF import extension from I still use the Oracle one. Kind regards, Joost Am 21.04.2020 um 04:23 schrieb K

Re: Difficulty to control printing of a Calc file

2020-04-30 Thread Joost Andrae
lects the minimum setting for this page margin the operating system configured printer driver supports. Kind regards, Joost Andrae Am 30.04.2020 um 17:58 schrieb WA.TWORSX via AOL: AOO415m1(Build:9789) -  Rev. 18174962017-12-11 17:25 win10x64 home desktop -

Re: Email App from Openoffice

2020-05-12 Thread Joost Andrae
Hello Anan, the standard email app is a setting within your MacOS system open the settings of "Mail" There it should be possible to define the standard email app Kind regards, Joost Am 12.05.2020 um 10:55 schrieb Anan Narang: Hi I have been using open office for a while on my macbook, on m

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, if you have installed a 32 bit java (I would recommend Java 8 in this case and it should be 32 bit because OpenOffice is 32 bit) and you've connected OpenOffice with the installed Java via menu item tools->options->OpenOffice->Java then you can setup a JDBC remote connection to your datab

Re: Registering a Template in Calc

2020-05-16 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi VinceB, just use menu item File->Templates->Save... to save a template. Within the File->Templates menu you'll find also a dialog to organize templates. Kind regards, Joost Am 15.05.2020 um 19:04 schrieb WA.TWORSX via AOL: AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496 2017-12-11 17:25 Win10-64

Re: Spreadsheet Formula Hiding "0"

2020-06-02 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, you can also format those cells using the user defined cell format # to suppress so called leading zeroes in cells. ->format->cells->numbers->Format Code: # Kind regards, Joost Am 02.06.2020 um 00:51 schrieb David Robley: There is an option to globally suppress display of zeros - see Too

Re: openoffice issue

2020-09-09 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, maybe the developers of can help you. Kind regards, Joost Am 08.09.2020 um 06:51 schrieb this is my issue !!! window 10 and jdk8 I can't find the relevant problem on Google, so I have to ask you to help me solve it 9月

Re: Default Value field in a table formatted to Date

2020-11-12 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, I'm not quite sure what you like to accomplish. Within Calc you can use the formula TODAY() So if you enter =today() into a cell you'll get the current date. If you save this within a spreadsheet document and if you load that document then this cell will show you the current date. Kind re

Re: I need help with an Open Office Writer task.

2020-12-06 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Linda, maybe changing the "After" default in menu item Format->Numbering on the tabpage Options might do what you want. Kind regards, Joost Am 05.12.2020 um 19:27 schrieb Linda Hull: I have Open Office 4.1.6 on Windows 10. I opened an archive with 7Zip, and in it, I have several files.

Re: Apache Open Office 4.1.8 ... does it work on 64-bit Windows

2021-01-02 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, the application runs very well on my 64 bit Windows 10. Kind regards, Joost Am 02.01.2021 um 17:34 schrieb Nic Cols: I have a new MS Surface, running Windows 10. Can I run AOO 4.1.8 on it? Nic Cols Garner NC 706-570-9859 ---

Re: Bug using OpenOffice and Microsoft Office together

2021-02-11 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Ewald, select a docx document in WindowsExplorer (single click in the document name) and select "Open With..." (öffnen mit...) via context menue (right mouse button click) and select MS Word to open this document with it. Wihin this dialog there is a checkbox where you can select to always

Re: spellcheck - continuously causing problems

2021-04-12 Thread Joost Andrae
Hello Chris, please check the setting for the default document language in menu item /tools/options/language settings/languages Kind regards, Joost Am 12.04.2021 um 11:42 schrieb Chris Addington: hi openoffice spellcheck spellcheck constantly causes problems - in standard new text document

Re: Wijziging van Open Office 4.1.9US naar Open Office 4.1.9 NL

2021-04-23 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Luc, U kunt het taalpakket NL installeren en dan de taal wijzigen onder Menu-Onderdeel /Tools/Options/Language Settings/Languages eg. Kind regards, Joost Am

Re: Excel equivalent

2021-05-03 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Brian, a literal is a text. If you want to replace a number which is formatted as text by having a single quote as the first character then you can start the replace string with a single qoute ' to leave it as a literal. Alternatively you can format this number string as text (menu item f

Re: A question

2021-06-29 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, when inserting a photo into a Writer document then mostly the photo dimensions are bigger than the width of the page. You can select the photo and resize the photo (or any other graphical object) symetrically by pressing Shift+Strg and then selecting one of the handles which you can see wh

Re: Arabic Content

2021-07-04 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, in OpenOffice the option CTL (complex text layout) needs to be enabled. You can find this in menuitem /tools/options/language settings/language Within the listbox CTL you can choose Arabic as defalt document language. Kind regards, Joost Am 04.07.2021 um 06:17 schrieb alwjeeh 77: Hi Does

Re: Bug report openoffice 4.1.10 Mac

2021-10-01 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, transparency is not part of the cell formatting options but of the graphics object formatting options. I suspect you're using a Mac OS system: Regarding crashes when using transperency it might be possible that it is a problem of the Quartz graphics system of Mac OS. The graphics system

Re: Site en français

2022-01-04 Thread Joost Andrae
Bonjour Pierre, voilà: Télécharger OpenOffice en français: Cordialement, Joost Am 04.01.2022 um 15:19 schrieb Pierre POMMIER: Bonjour Comment mettre a jour Open office en français Merci

Re: Fragen zu AndrOpenOffice

2022-01-27 Thread Joost Andrae
Hallo Marco, AndrOpenOffice ist ein von Apache OpenOffice unabhängiger Fork des von Apache OpenOffice angebotenen Sourcecodes. Idealerweise sprichst Du den Entwickler mal direkt auf seinem Blog an: Grüße, Joost Am 27.01.2022 um 10:37 schrieb Marco Dressel

Re: Embedded link

2022-08-22 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi John, it depends on what kind of link this is. If you dragged a document from the systems file manager then this object might be embedded as OLE object. If you doubleclick onto this object then the assigned application will open as object within the spreadsheet. To remove the object just s

Re: Cell grid lines not printing

2022-12-05 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi James, the cell grid lines won't print. You have to add cell borders (menu item /Format/Cells.../ tabpage Borders; within the format bar there's also an entry called Borders) Kind regards, Joost Am 05.12.2022 um 15:25 schrieb Jim Munroe: When I create a new spreadsheet showing the cell g

Re: Help neede IN GERMAN

2023-02-11 Thread Joost Andrae
The question of the user has been answered directly by email. Regards, Joost Am 11.02.23 um 19:08 schrieb Michael Ferlings: Hallo, während der Arbeit hat sich plötzlich die Menüsprache bei Open Office von Deutsch auf Englisch geändert. Trauriges Smiley Wie kann ich das wieder zurück stellen ?

Re: Can't edit my PDF files

2023-05-26 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, maybe you're looking for this OpenOffice extension: Kind regards, Joost Am 24.05.2023 um 15:48 schrieb W. Robert J. Funnell, Prof.: David - My first thought is that in the past you were scanning your documents with optical character recogni

Re: Spreadsheet

2023-06-26 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, the easiest way to fix this within a spreadsheet is to do a search&replace with regular expressions option activated. open the search&replace dialog using Ctrl+F and activate "regular expression" within the "more options" part of that dialog. search: .* replace: & This will remove all

Re: File locked for editing by unknown user

2023-12-14 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi John. perhaps removing the file .lock within the Windows user directory fixes your problem C:\Users\Your_Username\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice\4\.lock Am 14.12.2023 um 12:10 schrieb John Mehta: I've just activated the RansomeWare option in my AntiVirus program and now get the message "File

Re: Spell

2012-11-14 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, Am 14.11.2012 19:11, schrieb Mark Soderburg: Recently my word processing documents have started to open with virtually every word underlined in red as if they are all misspelled. Has my dictionary or spell checker become un-attached somehow? I tried to cure by a re load of 3.4.1 but no luck.

Re: color of recorded changes

2012-12-10 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Gary, just enter a name in /tools/options/user data/ or modify one item within that dialog. The colors used are differentiated by user data. Am 10.12.2012 00:45, schrieb Gary Aitken: How does one determine / change the color used when recording changes to a writer document? I'm working w

Re: Open Office Org Apache

2013-07-11 Thread Joost Andrae
Bonjor Richard, vérifiez les modules orthographiques aux "/Outils/Gestionaire des extensions" si il'y à plus de un module pour Francais et inactivez les autres modules pour Francais. Je pense que c'est un erreur connu pour cette version... Am 11.07.2013 11:37, schrieb Richard Coatanroch: Bo

Re: HP LaserJet question

2013-09-07 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Doug, I've an idea what happened to you: Maybe reducing the complexity of graphical objects on the printed output may help you. Go to menu item /tools/options/OpenOffice/printing and activate both checkboxes to reduce transparency and gradients within the printed output. Perhaps that's it b

Re: Save big file

2013-10-20 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, and once it is loaded you save it using "Save As...". Loading this file containing the "repaired" structure loads in an acceptable amount of time. btw. the file referenced in is really a beast... Kind regards, Joost Am 20.10.2013 10

Re: OpenOffice 4.0.1

2013-12-19 Thread Joost Andrae
Moin Hans-Werner, if you want to use the native Windows file dialog which contains the link to the Windows Desktop then you can configure it in menu item /Tools/Options/OpenOffice/General. Nochmal auf Deutsch: Wenn Du den Speichern-Dialog suchst, welcher die Verknüpfung zum Windows Desktop b

Re: Style and Font size

2014-03-01 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, for OpenOffice Writer you'll find the setting in menu item /tools/options/OpenOffice Writer/Basic Fonts (Western)/ Have fun, Joost Am 01.03.2014 10:02, schrieb How do I set my Style I.e. Arial and Font size 12 to be my default every time I open "Open Office" I can

Re: Error Report Tool

2014-05-25 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Andrea, the retirement for CrashReporter on the Windows platform is somehow understandable as the requirement to archive every Windows debug build that has been released is too expensive for the project now but on other platforms (like on Linux) where the CrashReporter used the backtrace f

Re: How Do I Change Text in the Legend of a Chart?

2014-11-23 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Fred, you usually just need to change the title of the colums within the source data set. If you create a chart within AOO then the chart is an OLE (object linking and embedding) object. Such objects share a connection to the source data within the document where you create the chart. In W

Re: Open office multiple instance

2014-12-13 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, I assume you just started the setup program and installed the application but this way OpenOffice is not prepared for a multi user environment. Please take a look at the following WIKI entry: Am 13.12.2014 um 08:

Re: Open office multiple instance

2014-12-13 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, yeah this link is much better! Am 13.12.2014 um 16:36 schrieb Rajesh Kher: Try this link Kind regards, Joost - To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@open

Re: Open Office writer Hebrew Language

2015-12-22 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi Neal, you're looking for this ? Maybe you want to install the language package (langpack) ontop of your installation. Afterwards you can switch the application language in menu item /tools/language (and then rest