When did Apache replace windows office?
I have windows 10 and microsoft does unannounced and unwanted updates every so
often which I can't get them to stop. On one of their updates, windows office
disappeared and Apache appeared. OK,or so I thought. I have several different
documents saved on m
I have experiencing a nightmare, really.
Could not save documents, app would freeze and hang up on the save file window,
the text indicator would not blink and the program would freeze until closed.
Couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the issue was, and tracked down a
“READ ONLY” select
Not sure at all that that is a bug.
If you are saving your My Documents - OO didnt
set those permissions.
Why did not install so many times? If it was because
you couldnt write to a real only folder, that was not because
of the program.
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Ho ancora moltissimi problemi con il programma openoffice sul mio Mac.
Ogni volta che lo apro, come da voi suggerito, devo andare sulle impostazioni
ed autorizzarlo. Ma la cosa peggiore è che quando salvo i documenti in odt, mi
chiede comunque l’abbonamento per poter modificare e salvare i docum
Guys: It sounds like an operating system interference problem. Where it
came from, no clue.
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To tell you the truth, I don’t know what really happened. I only described the
steps I went through until the problem was resolved.
I figured if this question came up, perhaps even an antiquated solution would
still be useful.
I am not even sure that “read only” check box was the culprit since