Another low tec suggestion for the future.
When I open a data file, any data file, I save as with the same name but the
current date in my Documemts folder. It’s is just another process but manual &
glitch proof. It has come in handy several times.
Also low tec and not sure if it will answe
On Mon, 26 Aug 2019 08:43:18 -0400
Lucetta wrote:
> Another low tec suggestion for the future.
> When I open a data file, any data file, I save as with the same name but the
> current date in my Documemts folder. It’s is just another process but manual
> & glitch proof. It has come in hand
Dear Apache Open Office:
My name is David, and I have a troubleshooting/concern(s) on how to take some
diagrams and convert into PDF (which I know how to do), and then place with the
entire PDF into E-Book formats.
I have been searching for a way to do this, and the Graphs/Diagrams/Pictures
A difference in raster vs vector graphics?
I found this:
As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics
files. Previously, all you could do would have been to rasterize a PDF into an
image frame. This leaves you with some limited and in some cases less than
Sorry abut the triple import of the quote.
On August 26, 2019 at 4:11:37 PM, David Belina ( wrote:
A difference in raster vs vector graphics?
I found this:
As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics
files. Previously, all you could do