Please add this to my request to install Hebrew language into oo 4.2.1.I
have a Lenovo laptop computer with Microsoft 8.1 software
-- Forwarded message --
From: neal jacobs
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 8:04 AM
Subject: Open Office writer Hebrew Language
To: users@openoffice.apache.or
I presently use OO 4.2.1 writer English. I would like to have Hebrew as a
second language using the open office writer. Please advised me how I can
install the Hebrew language.
Thank you,
Neal Jacobs
Is there an equivalent in spreadsheets to relational databases? Or, are they
all similar to flat databases?
I am looking for similarities and differences between databases and
At 08:04 22/12/2015 -0500, Neal Jacobs wrote:
I presently use OO 4.2.1 writer English. I would like to have Hebrew
as a second language using the open office writer. Please advise me
how I can install the Hebrew language.
At 08:08 22/12/2015 -0500, Neal Jacobs wrote:
I have a Lenovo laptop co
Hi Neal,
you're looking for this ?
Maybe you want to install the language package (langpack) ontop of your
installation. Afterwards you can switch the application language in menu
item /tools/language (and then rest
On 23-Dec-15 03:36, elderdanlewis wrote:
Is there an equivalent in spreadsheets to relational databases?
You can use lookup values from other tabs in that sense you could
compare both, but the functionality in a spreadsheet is very limited in
comparison with a relational database.
Or, ar