> -Original Message-
> From: John Hart [mailto:jh...@testra.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2016 12:57
> To: users@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: User having issues with Open Office
> Can someone explain why the unsubscribe message is missing from this
From: vinayak mahajan
To: "users@openoffice.apache.org"
Subject: RE: User having issues with Open Office
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 22:05:16 +0530
Importance: Normal
Am 03.03.2016 um 17:35 schrieb vinayak mahajan:
3march 16
I want to unsubscribe these emails.
There's no "sir" wich i able to unsbuscribe you ;-)
You're able to unsbscribe yourself, following the instructions below
Best regards
--- Administrative commands for the users list ---
I can ha
3march 16
I want to unsubscribe these emails.
please advise me the procedure for the same
v p mahajan
From: dmin...@sbgtv.com
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: User having issues with Open Office
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 14:32:16 +
I have a user who is reporting
I have a user who is reporting they are not able to open their Open Office
Documents all the time.
They are getting the below error:
David Minium
Information Technology Engineer
Local 12 WKRC-TV - Engineering / IT
1906 Highland Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219