On 5/3/21 8:48 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
Such users will also miss facilities present in the new product that
they know nothing of. Here's an example. Suppose you want to
concatenate the text in two adjacent spreadsheet cells into a single
cell. In OpenOffice, you can merge the two cells - whe
At 14:41 03/05/2021 +0100, Robin Lord wrote:
I don't agree open office calc is pretty much identical to excel, ...
All spreadsheet programs are similar, of course: they simply have to
be. Is that what you mean by "pretty much identical"? My point was
not to suggest that OpenOffice (Calc) and
I don't agree open office calc is pretty much identical to excel, before I
retired the only major difference I found was the number of rows in excel was
much bigger, and even that may have changed in the 10 years since, I never now
need to have millions of rows in a spreadsheet. Even when I did
At 13:09 03/05/2021 +0100, Brian Barnard wrote:
Subject: Excel equivalent
It is a mistake to think that any software product is the equivalent
of any other. OpenOffice's spreadsheet function ("Calc") is not
offered as an equivalent of Microsoft Excel. It would be equally
unhelpful to approac
Hi Brian,
a literal is a text. If you want to replace a number which is formatted
as text by having a single quote as the first character then you can
start the replace string with a single qoute ' to leave it as a literal.
Alternatively you can format this number string as text (menu item