It is a brand new computer hardly used because I keep switching back to my PC.
I got it Christmas.
Ron Davis
Ronald Davis
Executive Coach
Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue
that counts. - Winston Churchill
On Apr
I loaned my granddaughter my Macbook for two weeks and when I got it back I
suddenly cannot save documents. When I edit a document and hit "save as"
nothing happens.
Ron Davis
Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue
k connected
your macbook?
Keith Bainbridge
PO Box324
BELMONT Vic 3216
On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 07:27:36 AM Ron Davis wrote:
I have a new macbook pro and I am unable to save documents in folders
that I
used on my PC. I cannot get past documents folde
I have a new macbook pro and I am unable to save documents in folders that I
used on my PC. I cannot get past documents folder to individual folders when
saving documents. I can create new folders but I then cannot get to them to
save a document in them.
Ron Davis