Hello Ann,
sorry for the late answer. This is an information from the Gate keeper
of Apple.
Please see our Release Notes:
For macOS users
* Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 will be flagged by the Gatekeeper facility
Hello Giulio,
sorry for the late answer. Can you providfe more details?
Operating System, maybe on Windows MS Patches?
What you can try out of the blue is resetting your profile.
Am 29.05.20 um 17:25 schrieb Giulio Cap
There is an option to globally suppress display of zeros - see Tools |
Options | OpenOffice Calc | View and uncheck Zero Values in the Display
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Great suite - Thanks.
I love to hide the "0" value in cells yet to be populated and to do so I
use the =IF(Target Cell>0;Actual Formula;"") setup.
This works well for me upon the Target Cell being the result or a manual
However, this doesn't work when the Target Cell contains a formu