Don’t know who to direct this to, but I thought someone should be aware of a 
possible hack of the most recent version of OO (4.1.). A couple of days ago, I 
downloaded that version from the Apache website, and was pleased to see 
improvements in the Impress function. After several hours work, I saved an 
Impress file, and noticed it was identified in the cue in what I assume was 
Russian for Impress followed by OpenOffice. Strange, I thought.
I had written copy in that file in English, and when I opened the file again, 
it was translated into Russian. That made me more than a little suspicious, so 
I corrected the copy back to English, saved the file with a different name, 
opened it, and same thing – English translated into Russian.

I’m not crazy, nor am I normally paranoid. But since then, I have received 
three notices from Google of three attempts to sign into my Google email 
account, all three thankfully unsuccessful. I have to date not observed any 
other signs of a virus/hacking on any other apps or services.

Needless to say, all this has left me very concerned – concerned enough that I 
deleted all my recent Impress files and the OO application itself. That 
currently leaves me without any word processing/presentation application.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Tom Cordle
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