On 05/12/17 2:48 AM, John Buono wrote:
Hi, I have a problem. I am trying to import a CSV file into a database. I
have followed help page but it does not work.
I open the CSV file and it opens correctly in a spreadsheet. But then when I
copy and paste the rows and columns into the database
Google translate:
During the last free version update, the spelling checker
no longer works, all words are underlined in red as
identifier in writing error. I have tried several times to
to reinitialize the French dictionary, but that still has not succeeded.
Can not "recover" the French correc
On 05/12/17 1:49 AM, Yenna Wolf wrote:
I recently downloaded apache open office and I think it has a bug,
It has in fact many bugs like all software.
as when I was conducting an assignment in the text doc programme
All my words /letters started to jump around . I could not navigate betwe
Hi, I have a problem. I am trying to import a CSV file into a database. I
have followed help page but it does not work.
I open the CSV file and it opens correctly in a spreadsheet. But then when I
copy and paste the rows and columns into the database table, all I get is the
last value of the
Thanks for the quick replies and suggestions.
Another user suggested I send it and see what it looks like. Seems the PDF file
does show up as an icon when I send it.
Thanks again for the help.
On Dec 3, 2017, at 10:42 PM, Martin Groenescheij
On 04/12/17 3:39 AM, Terry Buk
Lors de la dernière mise à jour version free, le correcteur d'orthographe
ne fonctionne plus, tous les mots sont soulignés en rouge comme les
identifiant en erreur d'écriture. J'ai bien tenter à plusieurs reprises de
réinitialiser le dictionnaire français, mais cela n'a toujours pas about
I recently downloaded apache open office and I think it has a bug, as when I
was conducting an assignment in the text doc programme
All my words /letters started to jump around . I could not navigate between
the several different pages either. It caused tremendous problems and due to
lack of t
On 04/12/17 3:42 PM, Teresa Jenner wrote:
I have had you program recommended to me by a friend as my Microsoft
Publisher 2007 had been retired and so all of a sudden I have been unable
to print out any documents from publisher , word, excel and still working.
My 'Question is ' Do you have pu