On 02/08/17 5:27 PM, Ian Kendall wrote:
How do I put a different footer on every page? Right now when I type
information into the footer, it replicates it on every page.
You can insert frames on every page at the place where you like page
specific information, but you have to do this for
Hi Ian
The way that I put in footnotes is go to Tools - then footnotes/endnotes
then put in the way you want the footnotes shown - either by roman numeerals
letters or ordinary numbering as shown in the drop down box under footnotes.
Then go to the line underneath and work out what alternativve
Hi Ian,
it depends on what do you want to show into the footer. So please
describe in more details.
Kind regards
Ian Kendall schrieb:
How do I put a different footer on every page? Right now when I type
information into the footer, it replicates it on every page.
(No answer to thi
How do I put a different footer on every page? Right now when I type
information into the footer, it replicates it on every page.
(No answer to this on any of your forums).
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