On 18/07/17 10:07 PM, Khushal Raut wrote:
Sir, this is Khushal Raut
I Have installed Apache open office suite on my PC, I have experienced many
times that there is a problem with the open office suite that while there
is a sudden power cut I have lost all my saved data.
If you have many times
On 19/07/17 3:46 AM, Christophe TIONI wrote:
The french securised gouvernemental web site about securised automobil
drive licences generate a portable document file (PDF) from the soft
"Open-Office Writer" with personal datas. This personal datas should
contain all first names of any person,
Hello. I have downloaded and began to use Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 and I notice
that it has an icon/folder for templates. When I go there it is empty. On your
website, there are a ton of templates and sample letters etc. that I would be
able to make great use of. Problem is, I cannot find any way
The french securised gouvernemental web site about securised automobil drive
licences generate a portable document file (PDF) from the soft "Open-Office
Writer" with personal datas. This personal datas should contain all first names
of any person, but contained one firstname. It's wrong!
I just
Sir, this is Khushal Raut
I Have installed Apache open office suite on my PC, I have experienced many
times that there is a problem with the open office suite that while there
is a sudden power cut I have lost all my saved data.
I request you to kindly guide me to recover my lost data.
Soy usuario de Apache OpenOffice en mis dos portátiles con SO Windows 10.
Cuando he intentado instalarlo en tableta y móvil, SO android, me indica al
ejecutar que el sistema no es compatible. ¿Existe una versión de OpenOffice
para android?, ¿donde puedo enclntrarla?.
Jeronimo J. Balsalobre