Help Request

2017-05-20 Thread Ronald Aichholzer
Relative Reference Question Question. How can I change a Macro I recorded so I can use it on different rows. Expiation I recorded a macro using the keyboard arrows (Causes Relative References I believe).The macro reorganizes data from one location on the spread sheet and puts the data in a s

Font Colors do NOT Work !

2017-05-20 Thread M Vallancourt
1) Please tell me How to FIX the problem of the Font Colors NOTworking at all ?  Only the Back ground Colors work ! 2 ) Also, is there Any way to Remove the Borders from the Top and Bottom of the Page in order to Print the most Copy ?I Don't want to have All that white space left. I want to pri


2017-05-20 Thread Renay Blackwell
Greetings, I need assistance with templates. I cannot seem to open the templates I downloaded Need help. Is it -possible some adjustment is needed with Windows 10? Kindly provide a phone number for technical support Thank you. The best email to use is