Re: converting MS Works files

2016-11-29 Thread Hagar Delest
CCed OP. Beware, you're not subscribed to the list. You may miss other replies. See: Hagar Le 29/11/2016 à 16:15, Andrew Pitonyak a écrit : ⁣ That link may help

Re: Pokémon Go IV calculator

2016-11-29 Thread Andrea Pescetti
imacat wrote: I haven't tried the extension yet, but it looks like a funny subject to blog about! Would you like to write a short description with a couple screenshots for the OpenOffice blog? Also don't forget that a call

Re: converting MS Works files

2016-11-29 Thread Andrew Pitonyak
He is using a database file... I barely know that works exist so don't know if it can do things like export to csv⁣ Sent from BlueMail ​ On Nov 29, 2016, 1:10 PM, at 1:10 PM, Isaac Schrader wrote: >Or just convert the document to .odt format the main output of >OpenOffice. You can do this usin

Re: converting MS Works files

2016-11-29 Thread Isaac Schrader
Or just convert the document to .odt format the main output of OpenOffice. You can do this using a online document converter or by using doxillion converters Sent from my iPhone > On Nov 29, 2016, at 5:11 AM, Joseph J. Haubrich wrote: > > How can I convert my MS Works files to Open Office? > E

Pokémon Go IV calculator

2016-11-29 Thread imacat
Dear all, I wrote an OpenOffice Pokémon Go IV calculator extension. It finds possible IVs (individual values) of the Pokémons for Pokémon Go, and it runs off-line. Please give it a try if you are also a fan of Pokémon Go, and tell me any problem. Thank you.

Re: converting MS Works files

2016-11-29 Thread Andrew Pitonyak
⁣ That link may help... I saw something that implied that libre office may support the files, but I did not pursue that. Sent from BlueMail ​ On Nov 29, 2016, 8:09 AM, at 8:09 AM, "Joseph J. Haubrich" wrote: >How can I convert m

converting MS Works files

2016-11-29 Thread Joseph J. Haubrich
How can I convert my MS Works files to Open Office? Especially MS Works Database file. What files does Open Office support? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users

OpenOffice Speicherprobleme

2016-11-29 Thread Rudolf Bergmann
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich benutze OpenOffice 4.1.2 und bekomme seit einigen Tagen beim Speichern immer die Meldung: "Fehler beim Speichern des Dokumentes xy Schreibfehler Die Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden" Erst nach 2 - 10 oder mehr Versuchern, speichert es dann erfolgreich. H