RE: file

2016-03-20 Thread Brian Barker
At 09:50 19/03/2016 -0700, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote: From Microsoft Office 2016: "The file format and extension of don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. ..." I recommend that anyone receiving this message from the list simply delete it and its attachment. This file arrived in an

Re: kontaktsvåigheter

2016-03-20 Thread Johnny Rosenberg
Den 20 mars 2016 18:05 skrev Göte Thurgren : > Varför går det inte att komma i kontakt med LibreOffice. > Tacksam för svar med mail address och ett telefonnummer. > Göte Thurgren. > Det är mail-listorna som gäller. Vad jag vet tillhandahåller de inte någon officiell support. De är inte ett företa


2016-03-20 Thread Göte Thurgren
Varför går det inte att komma i kontakt med LibreOffice. Tacksam för svar med mail address och ett telefonnummer. Göte Thurgren.

Re: automatic spellcheck

2016-03-20 Thread nasrin khaksar
hi. you can go to tools menu, options language, writing aids and check and uncheck the items that you want. for example: check spelling as you type, check grammar etc. On 3/18/16, Therese Lier wrote: > > Hi, my spell checker does not work and I don’t know how to get it to work. >

Re: help with controls!!!!!!

2016-03-20 Thread James Plante
Tina, If you need to explain why you made a particular edit, don’t forget Insert -> Note. That can be very handy in situations like yours. Jim > On Mar 19, 2016, at 7:19 PM, Tina wrote: > > Thank all of you so muchThe job I'm being offered, > the translation editing, d

RE: Posting Alert Message Experimentation

2016-03-20 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
In addition, one can obtain information on SourceForge status by following twitter account @sfnet_ops These are generic, generally, but they may be helpful when there appears to be a problem obtaining Apache OpenOffice downloads. - Dennis > -Original Message- > From: Andrea Pescetti [