At 09:50 19/03/2016 -0700, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
From Microsoft Office 2016: "The file format and extension of don't
match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. ..." I recommend that
anyone receiving this message from the list simply delete it and
its attachment.
This file arrived in an
Den 20 mars 2016 18:05 skrev Göte Thurgren :
> Varför går det inte att komma i kontakt med LibreOffice.
> Tacksam för svar med mail address och ett telefonnummer.
> Göte Thurgren.
Det är mail-listorna som gäller. Vad jag vet tillhandahåller de inte någon
officiell support. De är inte ett företa
Varför går det inte att komma i kontakt med LibreOffice.
Tacksam för svar med mail address och ett telefonnummer.
Göte Thurgren.
you can go to tools menu, options language, writing aids and check and
uncheck the items that you want.
for example: check spelling as you type, check grammar etc.
On 3/18/16, Therese Lier wrote:
> Hi, my spell checker does not work and I don’t know how to get it to work.
If you need to explain why you made a particular edit, don’t forget Insert ->
Note. That can be very handy in situations like yours.
> On Mar 19, 2016, at 7:19 PM, Tina wrote:
> Thank all of you so muchThe job I'm being offered,
> the translation editing, d
In addition, one can obtain information on SourceForge status by following
twitter account @sfnet_ops
These are generic, generally, but they may be helpful when there appears to be
a problem obtaining Apache OpenOffice downloads.
- Dennis
> -Original Message-
> From: Andrea Pescetti [